Chapter Eighty-Nine

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The third race to enter the throne room was the Mer. They were spectacular. Their skin decorated in scales of golds and bronzes. Unique to every individual. Patterned around their faces and across their skin and glittering in the firelight. They were the most beautiful creatures that many had ever seen.

The Mer Queen bowed down in front of Queen Visara and took her hand softly. Their fingers intertwining. Visara looked down at the Queen with fondness.

"My Queen," the Mer queen began. "You have brought about a peace that shall be everlasting. You have freed my people and have allowed us to live in our home without the terror of slavers coming to take us away. The oceans are our home and though our lakes where we were hiding were beautiful, they lack the endless tides and magical expanse of the ocean. Once again, we can live there without being in fear of returning to the coastline. Where there are no traps to catch us and rip us from our waters. As a species, we want to thank you. We shall do this by giving you some of our magic, like the others you have helped. To you, we gift our enchanting beauty. Should you wish, anyone who looks upon you will fall under your spell. They do whatever you desire without hesitation. Should you ask them to follow you to their deaths, they shall do so gladly. May you use this gift on any who dare try and go against your rule and bring about war again. We also offer you the gift of breath in waters. May you be able to visit our oceans without fear of drowning and stay as long as you want without restriction. The Mer are yours. We will welcome you with open arms."

With that, she cut her skin and painted a band around Visara's wrist. With the magical words of the godly spell, magic flowed between the two and Visara had a new power to wield.

~The History of Visara.

I don't need anyone to wake me any more. My body clock naturally wakes me at almost the same time every morning. Today is no different. I quickly get dressed and go down to the training grounds for morning relaxation. Kai isn't here this morning and neither is Aaliyah. Another Lupine takes it this time. His name is Rowan and I haven't talked to him much. Though he follows the same routine as Aaliyah. I am getting a lot better at this also. Especially the more I begin to understand what Aaliyah or Rowan is saying. My nerves are definitely calmed by the end of it and I feel nicely stretched out and ready for the day ahead. Of course, the nerves come back when Kovan begins shouting out peoples names before we can head off to do our own thing before breakfast. My name and Una's are one of those names.

The Lupine warriors all stay though, making a large circle around those whose names were called. There is a tense silence.

"Though we usually don't start without the Solavar's blessing, we will have to today as he is not here. You all," Kovan begins to say, speaking in Lupine. "Have been selected to participate in our version of capture the flag," he grins. I see Karn smiling behind him. I frown, wondering what they mean by their version. The other partners gasp excitedly whilst myself and Una give each other nervous looks.

"This event is invite-only and happens four times a year." Karn begins. "as you all know. We chose you because we have seen something in you. A strength that could lead to high ranking positions. Of course, those positions do not come easily. You must be tested first." I gulp and take the leather backpack that Kovan hands to each of us. 

"The rules of this game are simple. You may not ride your wolves. None of you have been trained yet. Your wolves will only accompany you because of the bond. You may use them to help you hunt for food, but that is all. You may not kill each other. Fight yes," he grins. "But you must show restraint. Trust me, though it may seem like you are completely alone out there, we will watching," Karn warns. "The aim of this game is to find the flag that I have hidden somewhere in these lands. The flag hasn't been found in the last three games," he grins.

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