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I sit upright so that I can see the trash cans in the rear view mirror more precisely. Taking a deep breath I  slowly and very carefully reverse the old tattered car, making sure I don't hit the trash cans for the gazzilionth time. I groan out loud when I hear the loud trash cans rattle to the ground, "Motherly, Fudges of all Gummy bears!"

"Bambi You hit it again!" The short woman who smudged her short genes on me shouts from a kilometre away.

"I know Mom!" I try to move forwards but it seems that one of the trash cans got stuck beneath the car.

"You gonna clean it all up!" The tall man who was very selfish when handing out his tall genes shouts from behind his magazine.

"I know Dad!"

"Stop shouting! You are waking the whole neighborhood up you stupid wits," I sigh when Mrs. Tatu, our neighbor, pops her head out of her gate. She was wearing a sleeveless shirt and some knee length pants, something you don't see people wearing when its -5°C  outside, and the amount of times I've told the woman to wear a sweater seemed almost absurd.

I open the car door, my fleshy leg dropping off first. To say I don't admire it every time it does something useful, (well anything really) would  be an understatement. I admire it farther more before dragging my un-fleshy leg out from the car. The chilly air instantly makes my teeth chatter making me turn to glare at Mrs. Tatu who was innocently smiling at me knowing fully well that she was about to receive a lecture. Even with her old age, her hair was darker and healthier than mine bouncing gracefully off her small shoulders down to her curvy hips. Honestly she was way more prettier and healthier than me. Perks of being Maori I guess. They never age. She was one of the reasons I've always wanted to dye my blonde hair black.

"Mrs. Tatu! How many times have I told you to wear a sweater! You are gonna catch a very bad cold! Then you are going to come to me whining about how cold England is, then..." I stop when she sarcastically rolls her eyes at me and flicks some of her hair behind her shoulders in the most sassiest manner that I gasp in I could say more awe than shock.

"I'm not going to catch a cold Hales Adams! Like look at me 45 and still rocking!" She does a small twirl, her long hair circling around her like a hola hoop and I nearly drool at how healthy and vibrant it looks. I subconsciously touch my dry roots.

"Its 54 Tatu! If you keep on reversing your young age next year its going to be 65!" A small smile makes its way on my lips when her eyes widen in horror.

"Oh no, no, no, no!"

Even though she pretends she is all bad ass in the cold, her chattering teeth give it away. I take off my cardigan and hand it to her, she denies it at first but I force her to take it. Not only because I care for her but because she gets quite annoying when she is sick.

"Hamis left this morning, I'm so bummed you never got the chance to meet him," She winks at me, suggesting her son as a potential bachelor. I flick off the conversation because I was not ready for grown people talk and this Hamis came for like two days and left straight after.

"Did I ever tell you how absolutely jealous I am of you Mrs. Tatu!?" She smiles, and I loved how she always smiled and how her eyes crinkled around the edges when she did. I start fretting with the groceries and as if on que, mom pops her head out of the front door,"Bambi bring the groceries in!"

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