29 ♛

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Maximus' Pov

I missed her, her long golden hair, her soft hands, her bubbling energy and her smile. I close my eyes trying to recall her but she was slowly fading from my imagination the only thing I could catch was a whiff of her jasmine scent and her golden waves.

Her laugh taunted my dreams, her smiling eyes losing their color. I didn't want her to fade, I wanted her to stay. Her memory...our memories the only thing that made me smile nowadays.

She disappeared just as quickly as she came into my life. She came with a burst of colors now gone she was draining them away slowly. And yet I tried so hard to hold on to them.

I breath in. I was sitting outside her window sill, an apartment she abandoned two months ago and taking every single piece of her, not leaving a single thing for me to grasp to.

The two months she disappeared were the longest two months of my life. Every thought went back to her, every sleepless night evolved around her. She was the core of my thoughts and I didn't want her to go just yet.

It was Christmas eve, the snow cold against my pale skin and for some reason that reminds me of when we first encountered. I was intrigued at how shocked she was at the paleness of my skin that I myself had not noticed. I smile at the thought that I vowed to look after my body because of that and also because I was secretly happy that I was only pale because of the cold.

I watch as a snow flake danced down elegantly just to fall on my black boot, I flick it off.  The streets were adorned with Christmas decorations, red and green flashing from every corner. I hated Christmas, nothing good ever happened on Christmas. From a distance I could hear a faint Christmas carol, I also hated Christmas carols.

I wondered where Hales was, in the midst of all these Christmas preparations, where was she?
Where had she moved to? Where did she work now? Everyday I had the urge to get these answers but I stopped myself, I knew she wouldn't like that. All I knew was that she had graduated last month, with a degree in nursing. And as much as I knew Hales, I knew she already found a job and was also looking to study further more.

I wanted to see her, just a glimpse was enough.

Two months ago, I fucked up. I knew I did the moment I denied knowing her, I freaked out but I also did it to protect her. But even when I got the chance to explain myself she still disappeared, not leaving a trace. She didn't want anything to do with me and the stress I bought but I couldn't blame her.
The media was thankfully off her back and they stopped pestering her. I put the people who stole her videos behind bars but even that wasn't enough for her to reach out. I wanted to communicate with her through that but she never reached out, I just wanted to know if she was happy and alright. I've always wanted to reach out but her not leaving a trace for me told me she didn't want me to reach out no matter how much I needed to hear from her. I was just history to her now, a guy she was acquainted with for a few weeks who clearly needed to move on.

If I wanted to I could get her information in the matter of two seconds but I also wanted to respect her privacy. After all that I have put her through thats the least I could do and I hated that I couldn't do more.

Then a miracle occurred, a miracle I had prayed for to happen every single day I sat waiting on that window sill. I waited even though I knew there was a large possibility of her never returning but it finally happened. The door clicked open and I heard her laugh, heavenly, like a lullaby sweet enough to make you smile in your sleep. I nearly jumped into the apartment but another laugh stopped me. It was more deeper than hers, a masculine laugh. I wait patiently knowing that it was just her friend Sam.

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