36 ♛

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"Thank you for everything Hamis," it was time to say our goodbyes, we both knew we were never going to meet again or even bother to reach out as our only source of bonding was Miss Tatu and in a few hours time her body was going to be incremented. 

"No problem, thank you for coming," I nod and give him a side hug. He smiles and walks away. I stare at his body getting tinier with each giant step of his until he is a mere dot and Im just staring at the airport doors.

As I walked towards the plane I realized something. Something that has made me feel reborn once more. All this time I was with Hamis and Miss Tatu just widened my eyes towards it. I have had a major character development, I've transformed from the selfish  girl that constantly thinks about herself and thinks that the world is just targeting her alone  amidst the 7 billion that surrounded her. The girl who had constant support but never once thought that maybe the people who she constantly complained to had their own problems and wanted to be listened too. To a woman who didn't view her prosthesis as a barrier or cancer as a disease that took everything from her and learning to appreciate everything that has happened to her to bring her to this point. To appreciate the people she has around her. To realize the blessings in her life.

I smile at the blinking lights and wave to nobody but had the feeling that Hamis was waving to the plane too.

I pull out my phone from my pocket, my screen saver instantly making me happy. It was a picture of me, Mom and Dad, Miss Tatu and Sam, the people that cared for me so much and never failed to show their love towards me but I was too self absorbed to be grateful of the immense love they showed me and still complained about my prosthesis even though they kept trying to show me a prosthesis didn't make me any different.

Then as soon as I unlocked my phone a picture of me and Maximus pops up, it was a picture he took on my phone while I was dozing in his car. Maximus... The man who loved me and not my appearance, the man that completely reassured me that I wasn't any different from anyone else, I was unique in my own way and that wasn't because I was disabled. The man that showed me nothing had barriers. The man I loved. My hooded Berry Allen.

For some reason I was more than eager to finally go back home and hug everyone and tell them how much I loved them and how grateful I am for their presence in my life. I wanted to be there for them just like they were for me. Even the thought of meeting the Queen didn't bother me anymore because whether she accepted me or not, whether she liked me or not, Berry did and that was all that mattered. Her validation wasn't going to stop us from loving one another.

I was grateful for the kids I nursed. The kids that looked up to me. Their hugs and kind words, their smiles and never ending chatters. I missed every single one of them and the hardest part of being a nurse is sometimes losing them....

The chain of thoughts and an overwhelming feeling of peace and happiness finally calmed me down to sleep.



"Max!" He wasn't wearing his hoodie and shades and and of course attracted a lot of attention from a bunch of people behind their phone cameras. I run into his arm and sniff his cologne, a smell I actually found myself missing at times. I had a second home now and it was definitely in his arms.

"Are you okay?" He smiles and places his palms on either side of my face.

"More better now," I lean into his warm palm and sigh. We were definitely gaining a lot of unwanted attention.

Royally Flawsome ♛Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu