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My dad being the dramatic man he was, wore his hat and sunglasses so that he could hide his red eyes, but his continuous sniffing made me know that he was crying. We load everything of mine in the car but pause every two second to reassure my parents that I was going to be fine alone.

"Dad! I live close by! We can have sleepovers every day if you like," he looks over at me through his large tinted glasses that made him look like some hitman from a movie and sniffs again.

"Really?" Im sure he was giving me the puppy eyes under those hideous glasses.

"Promise Dad! Now lets go! I have a lot of work to do today! And Uni is Opening on the day after tomorrow! So I have to finish today or else...."

"Stop talking so fast I cant understand you!" The way he was capable of changing moods so fast is a trait I proudly inherited.

"Cause you an oldie," I poke his red nose, which he responds to by quickly starting the car and making me fly forwards.

As soon as we are on the road the whole car is engulfed in complete silence, except for my humming which was meant to block out my dads continuous sniffing.

"Ill miss you Bambi," I nod my head and continue scrolling through my Instagram feed, not concentrating on the posts but just using it as a distraction.

"Will you miss me?" I nod again not raising my head from my phone screen, I didn't want to get too emotional when I was finally moving into my own place.

After some more dreading silence and a lot of sniffing I finally had the guts to look over at him. I sigh when I see the smile deprived from his face and  is replaced with a frown. I was thankful he wore glasses because I knew under that big hideous thing, his eyes would have made me reluctant about moving out. I lift my hand and slowly place it on his bicep, he shakes his head, "Dont leave us baby," I sigh again but also shake my head, "Dad this is for both our benefits! I need to know how to manage by myself and you two need to know how to manage without me," he nods, but I knew that he wasn't satisfied with my answer.

"Tell you what, I'll try coming sometimes to help cook and to have all our three meals together."

"We are here Bambi," I turn towards my new place, not very happy anymore, even the aesthetic blue brick wall wasn't making me excited.

I turn back towards my big baby, "Dad tell me you want this, I want this, I just want to know if you want this."

"I want this for you," He smiles and nods towards the building. I squeel wanting to jump on him but he quickly unbuckles his seatbelt and jolts out of the car.

"Some Old people," I quietly mumble before exiting the car, my prosthetic blessing the street first.
I place my sunglasses on and smile up at the building. It felt like I was in a Peach perfect scene just looking at the building with my shades on and I had no idea why.

"Hales Adams is moving in Peaches!"


I place my last Flash poster on the wall and happily smile at my progress. Apparently I underestimated moving in, no matter how small the apartment was, it was still a lot of work than expected. I intake my progress in again with a smile that seemed to not waver off my face. Half the place was covered in  DC comic posters however three quarters of it were flash comics. I might be a 24 year old but I still fan girl like a teenager.

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