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I was wrapped in a shawl that was also mysteriously hid behind a tree and embraced in his arms again, which I could get used to by the way. We were staring at the water as it calmly danced over rocks, silence enveloping us except for the whistle of the wind that brutally bit into my wet skin.

"I want to show you something," I look up towards him, his eyes gazing over the water.


"Stand up and please follow me," I sigh, I was already too comfortable in the position we were in but I oblige anyway.

"Thorns," he whispers as I dust the shawl to wrap again around my body.

"Excuse me?" He looks towards me and I found it incredibly fascinating how the color of his eyes merged with the water.

"Thorns," he says again and I just nod because I was too tired to speak.

"I need to carry you, you have no shoes," I look down towards his own bare feet and look back at him.

"But...the shoes...no," I watch in a blur as his face morphed into confusion.

"Tired," I was too tired to function, my whole body too weak to support itself and my vision blurring to an extent my eyes hurt. I close my eyes and breath in. I forgot the side effects to swimming, it was extreme fatigue for me and unimaginable hunger.

"Looks like you have not been getting enough sleep," His voice vibrates through his chest and I hum in response while moving my head closer to his surprisingly warm chest.



"Hales Adams," I breath in and smile towards Sam.

"You can do this!" I ran towards Sam and I hug the breath out of him. I didn't know what was going on but for some reason everything felt right. It felt like it was where I belonged.

"You made it," I look towards my right where Mom and Dad were standing, their smile revealing their last teeth.

"She made it," my head instantly turns towards his voice and there he was, smiling his breathtaking smile, his hands outstretched for me. I push away slowly from Sam and walk towards him and with every step I take my smile widens and a raw feeling blooms in my chest. I was close enough to jump into the arms that felt like I belonged into them too.

He lifts my head up so that Im staring into those mesmerizing eyes of his and moves close to my ear, so close his breath was fanning my cheeks. I close my eyes and await for him to speak.

His lips move against my ears and I wait for the words impatiently...

"I love..."

I yawn and slowly open my eyes to the suns rays burning into them. Scrunching my eyes I block the radiating sun with my palm. I squirm in my seat as I try to hide my burning body from the sun feeling sweat dribble down my neck and in between my breasts.

"Where are we?" I yawn again, my squinting eyes trying to process my surroundings.

Was that a face above me?



"Is that really you?" I move my hand towards the face that was being shone on by light, probably the Holy Spirit, but quickly retrieve my hand when it comes into contact with a wet substance.

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