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Amazing Cover by UnwrittenWords__

I frustratingly shove my pyjama and flash comics into my tiny duffel bag. It was just one night at my parents but I needed to finally start reading my Flash comics. I fling my bag across my back and walk towards the door but a cold breeze pulls me back into the room. I glare at the window he uses to sneak in, the curtains flying around as if begging for my attention.

"Not tonight gummy bear," I walk towards it and place the curtains to the side and pull the window shut, the violent whistle of the wind disappearing behind the glass, "Not tonight."

"And I hope not ever again," I hated drama but this time I felt like I was stirring it myself. What was the point of getting mad at him just because he hid his identity from me? I knew deep down it wasn't because I felt like he didn't trust me. Maybe I was just afraid he'd bring more attention towards me, maybe this was an excuse to push him away. I didn't need anymore unwanted attention.

I shut the door behind me and sigh, Hales Adams, a master of running away from her problems. I place my forehead against my door, procrastinating, the wood rough against my forehead and I sigh again.
Why did I have to make everything so complicated?

"Are you alright?" I spin around and smile at the worried looking Logan.

"I've never been better."

He nods towards my duffel bag, "Where are you going?"


"Can I join?"

"Sure if you would like to be bunched between my parents," he laughs and shakes his head.

"Ill just escort you there," I smile and follow him as he leads the way as if knowing where I was going.

"I guess we are here."

"Yeah, thanks Logan for um.... escorting me," I walk away from him and towards our front porch not wasting anymore time. I was desperate to meet my parents, I was desperate to tell them all about how well I had managed to live alone. If well consisted of a serial killer prince sneaking into my apartment because I was smart enough to leave my window open, than yes it was very well indeed.

I turn around to wave at Logan who was still standing in the same place I left him off, he waves back, tucks his hand in his jeans pockets and walks away down the empty street.

I turn back around and quietly push the door open, and as expected my dad was sitting on the couch, his squinting eyes peeking from behind his magazine.
"You need glasses old man," his broad laughter fills my ears as he stands to walk towards me, I laugh and run towards his large open arms instantly getting lost in that soothing smell of his I always loved.

"I thought we'd never see you again!" He holds my face in his large hands, his large contagious smile spreading impossibly wide.

"Well here I am Papa," I tiptoe on my one leg and kiss his cheek, his stubble tickling my lips.

"Is that my Bambi!?"

Royally Flawsome ♛Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu