chapter five

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Sam's POV

He's only a weak human, how hard can it be to kill him after all?

I bet a pureblood like me can do it easily.

I opened my window looking down from the second floor and grabbed a small bottle filled with a rich red liquid and downed it quickly before tossing it into the bin in my room and jumping down using my palm and one of my knees to help steady my landing.

I looked up into the dark night scanning the area making sure to use my vampire speed to gracefully slip between the guards switching shifts for the night.

I've been attempting to get familiar with the human's smell recently; every time a new body showed up I secretly hung around taking a whiff, not creepy at all.

Making my way towards the edge of our territory and taking a big breath, one foot after the other I start making my way towards the human territory.

Once I explored enough to finally get a whiff of the familiar human's smell my body went rigid hearing footsteps close by, I crouched making sure I wasn't making any noises and tried to get a better look at the stranger.

If my dead heart could beat it would be banging out of my chest at the moment, I stalked the human keeping my distance while I follow him back to his hideout but halted when I realized I could hear a faint female voice in the distance .

I watched her place her hand on his shoulder as an affectionate gesture while she spoke "one of these days you'll get yourself hurt Ed and you won't be the only one in pain", how strange, the murderer had himself a little girlfriend, "your uncle would be devastated as well, I honestly don't think he's a better ruler than you'll be".

Ruler? Interesting, so the human troublemaker is the mortal prince, he sighed clenching his fists "I've already told you Talia I do not wish to become king "he brushed her off and walked away probably towards the castle.

Guess I know how to lure him out now; I smirked to myself and retreated to form a plan to get inside the castle, I looked around spotting some guards far in the distance flirting with some young attractive women, I hummed to myself a grin splitting onto my face.


Shoving the naked body into a large trash in a random alley and fixing my outfit before making my way towards the castle and slipping in easily I start looking around the hallways for the familiar sets of smells I picked up earlier today.

Once I found what I was looking for I smiled to myself and pulled the guard gun from my waist, sneaking around the corner and clasping my hand on her mouth and starting to slowly drag her back "quiet now, you don't want your precious prince dead do you?" that seemed to do the trick as she calmed down and let me take her away.

Deadly creatures series:Blood  prince*rewriting*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora