chapter six

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(i hope you liked chapter five ,so "what" is Ed? no human or vampire...and definitely not a werewolf believe me ,what do you think he is? and why? comment and vote and visit the website there's cool stuff there and if you really want to feel the book go to the website to "book music " and play the song when i tell you )

*the monster  that i am*

Ed's P.O.V 

i walked my way out of the woods going back to the castle,"you're not human you know that right?", his words kept going through my head over and over again, i was sinking in y thoughts ,"how can it be? my father is human mother is human...right?"

i walked in ,maids from the side of the door bowed and greeted me , i smiled slightly at them, yes the big slayer known as "human savior" is me ,and i was nice as a puppy my people at least, i know what you're thinking ...yes they noticed the blood running down my sides and my wrist slit opened,but hey they knew what i was doing and they also knew i didn't want to talk about my hunt nights, "prince! are you okay?" a sharp girly scream woke me from my day dreaming "i'm fine Talia it's just a scratch" i answered her trying to smile ignoring what just happened with that ego-ed vampire , why didn't i kill him? why did i feel like i know him somehow? , "ouch that hurt!" ,Talia was cleaning my wound and shaking ,i looked at her face ,she was so pale like she saw a ghost ,i garbed her hands , "Talia? why are you so worried it's not that bad"  i said with a low tone, she couldn't look at me , i understood she was worried about me but why this much?,i put my hand under her chin making her look at me, before i knew she  had colors on her face again,red my favorite color ,my uncle barged in "Ed! did anyone see s..." , i quickly let her go and walked to him "yes uncle charlie?" , he looked at me without replying for a while then he said "they told me you went hunting again", "yes as  you can see "i put my wrist up for him to see , " you promised you'd tell me when you went out there those...those ignorant blood suckers", "yes but you'd send guards with me, and you know i hate that"i grinned,he gave me a small smile and walked away ,"i'll be in my room" i informed everyone before going up stairs , "b-but prince y..", " drop it Talia i'll do it myself" i kept walking, yes i think that was mean..but i can't let her put thoughts in her head .

i heard someone knocking i stood from my bed and unlocked the door about to open it"Talia i said drop i..." i opened the door and my uncle was in tears at my door, "w-what's wrong did something happen? is everyone okay?" questions rushed out of my mouth with no warning , he pushed me aside and walked in quietly sat on the bed" Ed..." he pointed at a spot on the bed for me to sit , i did as told, then saw him griping to a letter , "what's that?" , he didn't reply ,he just gave it to me and left in a hurry, i was still processing why he was so emotional hen i opened the letter.

    Dear Ed , i know i haven't been there for you since you were a child ,please forgive me and don't hold against me ,you see..i think you're old enough to know, i wrote this letter directly to you but you're uncle knows so it's alright you can go to him when you have any type of problem ,you're the first of your kind, not a human as you thought nor a vampire  or even a werewolf which is obvious because you never turned in the full moon, you're a mix of the first two, lets get to the point ,you know i love very much ,i really tried not to blame your birth for the death of your mother, but it wasn't my fault either, you see..i'm not your real father, i am sorry if you already felt that way but i's the truth, when i met your mother she was already pregnant with you and we didn't have any other kids because i can't have children, so here it is .

                                                 love ,your adoptive father.

(now play the song i told you about)

 Tears rolled down my cheek, i'm not your real father,kept going in my head i burst out in tears , on my knees ,i really tried not to blame your birth for the death of your mother,it was all my fault , i killed my own mother...she loved me and trusted me, why did i even come to this world , i'm broken and no one can fix me , i don't even belong here , i'm not human ,i'm...i'm a monster.

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