chapter sixteen

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Blood prince

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*new girl*

Sam’s p.o.v

  I never thought my life could change so much in one year…talia, I miss her,and poor ed…he already tried to take his own life twice if it wasn’t for the guards who kept an eye on him for me.

Yeah he’s taking my place, I kind of hated him at first but now…I’m glad im not an only child,child,little rosy…she’ll grow up without a mother,at least I didn’t let her see that horrifying scene last mounth,talking about the kid…I should call someone to help out ,I mean she needs a feminine presence in her life,I picked up my phone and dialed a number,“yes…dena?,how are you?...yeah you heard huh?, I’m fine don’t worry but I need a favor..yeah can you come over?...great see you then“.

I keep knocking and he keeps ignoring me damn it…,“ed! Come on open up you need to meet someone.

Ed’s p.o.v

  Why wouldn’t he just let me die?, he knows I can’t live without her  , I wrote  a poem for talia I smiled wide just when I remember it , “I’ll read it for you baby “

  I’m trying to protect you from me

The monster that should never be

It’s too hard to stay away can’t you see?

To me no girl reaches you to the knee

Disappearing is the only way out

I’ll always love you there’s no doubt

Seeing you happy is what it’s all about

I can’t take it anymore I want to shout

I chuckled at myself, talking to a dead wife,I swear I’m sane,then I heard loud knocks and my  name “talia?“, I opened the door to see tall girl with pale but glowing skin, short hair,long legs, grey eyes, I’ve never seen that color before, “yeah yeah she’s pretty we get it“ I blinked and look at sam who woke me from an awkward staring,if you were in my shoes you’d understand, through my life I never saw many girl, and the once I saw looked normal, not ugly just normal,but her…she looked like an angle, angel…Talia , I made a long face and stepped , back at the end of the room staring at nothing, “ed snap out of it..Please focus“I glared at sam“…okay“,“this is dena,she’s a good friend of the family, we can trust her“, she reached out her hand, I hesitated first but eventually took it  , “and she’s here because…“, I raised an eyebrow in question, “  Dena Gabriel Jones at your service your majesty“and she bowed, polite..but I still don’t trust her, how can i?,“I called her ed, she can help with rosy“.

Dena’s p.o.v

Wow I never thought he was this attractive and by the way he looked at me I can tell he feels the same towards me, I shook his hand ,introduced myself and bowed, I hope I can help his kid, my father told me what happened, poor family was tore apart because of a helpless child, I also did some research, turns out this man had lost his biological mother due to his birth and his adoptive father was murdered awhile ago , he’s been through a lot, and now he lost his father and his wife, sam said they were married for a bit over a year, that’s so sad, he barely started his life and it crumbled underneath his feet, yeah life isn’t fair I guess.

  “may I meet the child your majesty?“I said as politely as I could, “yes and call me ed..“he walked a few steps then paused , he must have remembered something, “are you okay?“ I heard sam say while squeezing his arm slightly, “I’m fine“.

Ed’s p.o.v

‘call me ed’ is what I said to talia when I first started having feeling for her…angles aren’t suppose to die, and she was my angel, I felt the hesitation in dena, she doesn’t know if she should say something or not , add that to her early thoughts, of course I heard that ’I never thought he was this attractive’ , yup she’s definitely after my father’s thrown, I need to keep an eye on her, maybe sam trusts her but I don’t.

“daddy!“ , “heeeey princes“ I hugged my daughter as I walked in her room, you’d think a little girl’s room should be pink and covered with flowers and rainbows, think again because this one is half a vampire and we’re well known for liking the two colors , red and black, exactly what the room if filled with, plus she’s been through hell which explains the lack of colors in her life.

“who’s the pretty lady daddy?“ she asked while peeking from behind me , “this is dena honey, she’ll stay with you all the time “ , “ will she play with me too?“ I smiled , what an angel“yes, and when you need anything ask her, I’ll try to visit you as much as I can though“ she frowned when she remembered I was still leading the vamp army through the war.

“hi there little one “dena said while kneeling at rose’s level , rosy grimaced and smelled her, dena seems confused and a bit uncomfterble , “sorry she always does that with new people, memorizing their sent“, “oh, that’s alright“ she smiled at me,“should I trust her dad “ rose looked at me , I don’t like her,yeah that was rose mind speaking with me, we recently found out that she can do that but i have a feeling that it’s not her only skill, “trust is earned “I responded while smiling at dena back , oh yeah she got the message.



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