chapter four

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Chapter four

Current day

I will avenge him, I will keep his memory alive, even if it means I have to hunt down every filthy vampire on this planet

I stacked up my wooden ammunition, grabbed my guns and wooden stakes stuffing them into the black duffel bag I usually use when I go hunting, I glanced at the crossbow in my closet and decided to add it to the stack of weapons zipping the bag closed and throwing it over my shoulder I ignored a worried and angry Talia starring at me from her spot at my door.

"Don't even try T you know I'm going no matter how much you threaten me "I said while looking back at her grabbing my SUV keys and leaving my bedroom"

"That's not fair; you wouldn't want me in danger right? So why should I be okay with this?"

"because you've seen me do it multiple times already you know I'm not stopping till one of them confesses "I replied to her making my way down the stairs and ignoring the castle staff bowing to me but not missing the dirty looks some of the female workers threw her way.

I felt her gentle touch on my shoulder as she grabbed it and let her turn me back to face her as her face softened and she placed a delicate hand on my cheek making my butterflies come to life at her touch "I just wish you used a less dangerous method to find the killer Ed".

Kissing her palm and pulling her close into a warm embrace letting myself be intoxicated by her vanilla and daisies smell I kissed her forehead before letting her go and going onto my journey once more in an attempt to solve my father's murder.


I stalked my pray hiding in the trees, if it were not for my unusual speed and agility I would have been spotted already, I have my weird genes to thank for that apparently I had been a bit stronger and faster than other kids my age when I was young, I always assumed they went easy on me out of respect and always let me win races and wrestling matches, now I don't know so much, it seems my strength is growing more and more every day.

I looked down at the young vampire; it's hard not to let their appearance fool you, anyone normal would think this man was human, maybe in his late twenties while in fact he must be a hundred years old, they've adapted ,learned to hide their red shiny eyes into more natural human colors to not be spotted.

I watched as he charmed a young lady with his looks and fake friendly personality, I could see his eagerly waiting for her to fall in his trap to find somewhere more private so he could suck her blood dry, they didn't care for humans ,to them they were mere juice boxes they can feed on since they were weaker .

My father never knew of the corruption in his royal council, nor did he know about the human guars that made deals with vampires in their benefit, ignoring crimes committed by them to get money or anything worthy in return.

I followed them into the empty street corner as he flirted with her leading her on, oblivious to his plan she smiled and blushed at his remarks about her beauty and grace ,I waited for the right moment just as he pretended to lean in to kiss her neck I watched his fangs extend and almost prick her fragile skin deciding it finally time to jump out of my hiding calling the bastard out.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you scum "I warned as I walked closer watching him turn to me holding the young woman hostage with his elongated fangs near her throat and now very visible red eyes and somewhat unusually long nails, he hissed at me like an animal "she is mine, I have been working on this one for days, stubborn little bitch" he spat tightening his grip on her arm as she cried softly shaking in fear finally realizing the danger she's in.

I sighed pressing my lips into a thin line "I've warned your kind about hunting in my territory, passing by peacefully is one thing, but prying on innocent humans is a crime "I watched him carefully while calculating which angle is best to take him down.

"You think your precious humans are innocent? Don't make me laugh little prince your race is as filthy as ours" I smiled watching his get distracted and pull his face away from her neck while speaking, swiftly pulling out a sharp thin stake and throwing it towards him watching it enter his mouth and poke out on the other side ,he screeched in pain and let go of the girl while I quickly went to her side and sent her home before snapping his neck and dragging him to my cellar "you and I are going to have a fun night".

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Deadly creatures series:Blood  prince*rewriting*Where stories live. Discover now