chapter twenty

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*the bad girl’s back*

Ed’s p.o.v

I promised rose I’d help her practice her amazing new skill so here I was walking towards her room , “are you ready honey?” I yelled from outside the her door and suddenly the door swung opened with a crying rosy and puffed swollen red eyes “ I miss mom…”she said between sobs , I hugged her tight and picked her up in my arms walking to her bed then sat down with her on my lap”shhht it’s okay I’m here”she hiccupped a couple of time as I pated her back gently , she squeezed me tighter with her little arms around my neck “stop crying princess” I wiped her tears “i..i couldn’t push it in the back of my head anymore daddy…I just had to remember her and deal with this..” , “I know…you’re mother loved you very much” she looked down “I remember when she’d come in my room when I had nightmares and we’d make a small tent with the sheets and eat march mellows until we fell asleep”I sad smiled sneaked into her lips” and when  she made me tons of pancakes because I fell  and cut my arm…she even made a bowl of ice cream to make me stop crying” I smiled “ she was a great mom wasn’t she?” , “you have no idea” she smiled.

Once in the practice field , I arranged some objects for rose to see how good her skill became with her little practices in her room ,so we made a fake fight preparation , I made a safe password if anyone gets hurt which is “strawberry” …don’t judge me I like strawberry , everyone was there, so the teams were :Sam , Jake ,Dena , Rosy and I against some guards but of course they wore protective suits because we were using real weapons .

Everyone took their position and got ready for the countdown “one…two…”I took a deep breath ,Dena stood in an attack position , rose concentrated and lifted some knives in the air towards the guards , Jake stood with his hands in his pockets like nothing’s happening….little smug ,and finally Sam nodded for the Go signal “three!” I shouted and everyone yelled , ran , punched and kicked the enemy ,Rose sent knives towards the guards who played the dead once they got hit ,I laughed at that and almost had my royal ass kicked by someone, I jumped behind him “yoo hoo”  I taped his sholder , he did the mistake of turning around which got him a punch from me , what? I don’t  play-fight in kill mode.

After practice we were all tired and sleepy , Sam was walking like a jelly fish , I walked and then stopped in the hallway, sat down and rested against  the wall ,someone poked me” Ed wake up” , “umhh…dad I don’t wanna go to school..the teacher smells like cow poop and dog food…” , I heard laughs and someone fell next to me , I opened my eyes and saw Sam rolling on the floor laughing “ehh…I hate school okay?” , he  laughed more “cow…poop….dog …f-food” he said while laughing , I jumps on him with all my weight “who’s laughing now daisy duck?”.

After play-fighting my brother I needed to rest in fact everyone did , I just hope no one brakes in the castle because we’d just sleep it off and not wake up until someone pokes us or something so I took Dena to my room and went to sleep, sleep I said you pervs!

I rolled in bed trying to hide my face from the sunlight creeping from my bedroom window ,he’s so adorable while sleeping, “well I’m awake now” I said while opening my eyes, she pouted ,I chuckled isn’t she adorable? ,”stay out of my head” , “you know you look like a mad kitten right?” I smiled but it faded away when she slapped my chest hard , “ow, kitty’s gat claws?” , I ruffled her hair and she speed pushed me with my wrists in her hands and smacked me against the wall ,”you bet she does” she grinned “you know I’m letting you hold me right? I’m much stronger” and it was true but I stood still “I’d like to see that” I grinned “your wished are my commands” and I speed pinned her on the bed with her wrists on the sides , I chuckled “now what are you going to do kitty?”, she pouted and struggle but I held her tighter until she gave up and made and angry face, I let her go and she walked out of bed “oh come on! I was just playing around” , she ignored me , “really?” I speed hugged her from behind ,”I can’t play-fight with my girlfriend?” I kissed her cheek , she tried not to smile but ended up giggle , “adorable “I kissed her shoulder “beautiful “ I kissed her head “okay okay fine” I smiled but we were  interrupted by loud bangs on the door “your majesty I’m very sorry to interrupt but we came back with the new born vampire  you asked us to bring” a guard shouted from outside the door “she’s here?” I shouted back ,”yes”.

I pulled a shirt on while walking in the hallway with the guard on one side and Dena from the other , I turned in the corner towards the front door to see a tall girl with black long hair , white glowy eyes ,red little bit swollen lips , pale skin wearing a small top showing her belly and ripped jeans with black high heels, I froze”T-talia?”



NOTE: Talia is the new turned vampire if you didn’t catch that

A/N:ah?ah? I told you to stick around talia fans, was it worth it? , did you like the surprise? Breath in breath out people :p I love teasing you guys sorry /.\ do you think she changed into a bad girl and went to the werewolf side or is still with humans and vamps? Oh and does she still love ed? And to answer a question I know some people will ask,no they’re not married anymore because it’s “until death do us a part” and she died so :p , does ed still love her?

What will it be Dena or Talia?

Are you team Edna or Elia? (Edna=Ed+Dena  , Elia=Ed+Talia) 

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