Chapter two

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*the treason*

Back at the human kingdom things weren't as cheerful or pleasant

There he was laying there, his lifeless body sitting in a pool of his own blood...the human king's dead body, not only dead but murdered and without a shred of evidence on who could be behind all of this.

The body was placed there strategically and was found right after the guards switched patrols

A large muscular man in a black suit and tie walked in quietly and whispered to a man sitting across a sixteen year old human child ,making his words as low as possible afraid the teenage boy would hear him "the king is dead...murdered "and mumbled a few words before pulling away.

The man sitting across the young male was his uncle, his eyes widened and tears gathered in them but he quickly pulled himself together and walked out.

The boy was confused as he had no idea what could have upset his uncle so much, he knew his uncle as the tough man of the family so why did he look afraid and shaken and sad at the same time?, his questions would be answered sooner than he thought " your uncle wishes to see you", Talia the personal boy's maid said before bowing and leaving the young prince to his thoughts

He walked up from the room witnessing a sight that made him feel goose bumps all over his skin, "Uncle Charlie? What's wrong?"

He walked to the stairs that led to the exit, Charlie holding a body rocking it with tears running down his cheeks staining his now wrinkled shirt.

the boy walked closer to find his father there dead "dad!!" he screamed kneeling before collapsing on the floor as everyone rushed to him "prince Ed !" some staff members rushed to him as one of them ran to get the doctor.

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