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Damien was pissed to find that the deeds would take longer to acquire than had been originally thought. It wasn't as if they were building something on those lands, he had plenty of houses and pack buildings alike for his members.

Damien knew that the longer it took for the deeds, the more aggressive his female pack members would become due to their nature. Mating season was upon them, and females would kill for their chance at their desired mate. Of the 800 pack members he had, 150 were wild born wolves, 300 were female shifters, and 350 were male shifters. Of his wolves there were 70 mated pairs, and five of those were able to conceive last mating season.

"Alpha, the humans still talk of the "goddess" that roams the woods, two more hunters went in last night, and only heads were found. Perhaps we should investigate their claims," Damien thought to his arm where she and bitten it and rubbed it consciously. It wasn't too bad, he'd had worse from his wolves, but it had required disinfecting before he bandaged it up.

"They're right, there is no need to look, I found her yesterday on my hunt. She is an alpha. She is feral, her pack is all wild wolves," Damien stated. His beta, Jerod, looked at him in a bewildered manner.

"Then why would you not say something to her about her actions. We cannot risk exposure because she is too prideful," Jerod insisted

"She kills out of necessity, I felt sorrow there, pack members have been lost because of the hunting season. She does not know our ways, she does not understand our tongue, and we do not understand theirs," Damien explained.

"Perhaps we could send our own wild born wolves to investigate," Damien had thought of this already, but with the display of dominance she showed yesterday he knew it would be of no use.

"No, she already displays a higher dominance than I do, she has a natural power, they would only join her pack. My wolf submits to her," again Damien received another bewildered look from his beta. He didn't blame him, he was a powerful alpha in his own right, one of the most powerful on the continent, but she was something else.

"Perhaps we could unite our packs,"

"Perhaps, but unless the language barrier is breached, that will be difficult," Damien told his beta. "How long till we have the deeds?"

"The office said no more than 2 weeks, but they said a week ago, no longer than a week, so it could take longer," Damien clenched his teeth. This wasn't fair for them. They needed the land, they had the money, so why weren't they able to purchase it?

"That she wolf may have something to do with it, they are probably beginning an investigation over the deaths of those men," it made sense.

"Regardless of when we get the deeds, the females of this pack need to be kept in check, I cannot have any more sent to the infirmary due to uncalled for fighting, and I will not have this behavior when Alpha Raymond comes from Canada. We are setting up trade negotiations with his pack,"

"Yes alpha," God he needed a beer.

He thought back to the female, she had such easy control over her wolves, and it made him wondered how mating season worked for them. Was it hectic? Did her females compete for mates? A feral pack was something he'd only ever heard of, but never experienced.

If all worked out, maybe his questions would gain some answers.

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