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I'm not pleased with the platform that wattpad has become and therefore, once I'm done with this book I may move myself off of wattpad. Good news though, at least for me, I'm going to definitely be publishing this book. It should be finished by the end of April and by the end of May be ready to go, atleast that's the deal I have with my company right now. I will be keep this version on wattpad if my publishers will allow, but a different version will be available for purchase online or in stores over the summer. Just thought I'd let you all know.


She had contained so much of her excitement for today that she had crashed early last night...on the couch in what Damien referred to as the lodge. She had later been moved to his bed in his suite.

Only those specifically involved with today's activities had been allowed to meet her. She loved them. She felt an automatic urge to lead them, to nurture them. Particularly the young females.

Four young male wolves had been sent out to hunt, bringing back several large deer and plenty of game as Damien called them, but she had become familiarized with the term birds from Katherine teaching Charlie, that were towed in after the large mammals.

Five females were put in charge of prepping the meat once everything had been de-feathered and de-skinned. They were to clean the skins of the deer for later use in decorations. Damien had explained after her inquiry.

It was a process to goggle at, she had never been so meticulous with saving hides. She would only save what little hadn't been devoured by her pack for when the nights were cold and she wasn't in her wolf form.

Smells wafted past her nose, shae had been snacking in small amounts because the celebration would take place in the evening, and she wanted to try everything the pack was making.

There were two younger pups to the females she was with right now who were very curious and wanted to know everything about her feral lifestyle. Including where she came from and how she got the scars she had.

That was before their mothers scolded them.

Shae hadn't seen much of Damien for the day and although she shouldn't, she was missing him. She was wearing his clothes, pants and all, which hung off of her awkwardly because he was bigger in every sense than she was. She had to tuck in the shirt and hated the pants. The middle rode up her crotch. But she wasn't allowed any other options until later.

As Damien had told her last night, there was a group of females who were going to get her ready for the ceremony with special clothes and other things. He was to receivea similar treatment but from males.

Time seemed to fly by for the day. With everyone getting prepared and the food was being cooked. As soon as it hit 4 o'clock, shae was ushered to a separate room from where she had been all day.

It was similar to a bathroom, but there was no toilet or tub, just a large sink, a mirror that was across the entire wall, and several couches.

"She's gorgeous a-"

"A thin one she is, haven't g-

"Such pretty eyes and h-"

They all started talking at once, and she had no idea who to listen to.

"Okay, okay, ladies, we are overwhelming her, take it down a notch will you," they all silenced when the oldest spoke. "Now, that's better, I'm Elizabeth, and these are Ash, Kaylan, and Mckenna, all of them are my daughters," she pointed to each one as she said their names.

"Has the Alpha told you what our job is?" Shae nodded in response. They got busy then, looking her up and down, taking measurements of her head, waist and height.

"Mother, she's too tall for the manority of the gowns we have," Mckenna spoke.

"That's quite alright, we can alter whichever she likes. I think the height will be our only major issue. We may have to take in the sides too," they were talking and Shae was just standing there. It was a weird thing to experience, it was like she wasn't there at all, but she wouldn't know what to say if asked anything so she just stayed silent.

"Alright, take a seat and we'll be right back," Shae did as she was told. They came back with what seemed like several large bags. She hadn't seen their like before.

From those they removed dresses upon dresses. Katherine hadn't even owned this many.

"Take your pick," said Ash.

Shae marveled at the textures of the dresses. Even in the stores she'd been to with Katherine she hadn't seen anything like these. Most were white, a few were gold and cream. She gravitated towards the white ones.

Lace was too itchy, so she set aside those dresses and was able to narrow it down to three. Two were long flowy dresses. And one, considering her height, would rest an inch or two abover her knees.

It was the shorter one that ultimately won her over, although when she tried it on the sides were very large on her. The females were quick to pin it up for altering.

Next they brought in headpieces. Shae had seen similar things when she had watched television shows with Katherine, crowns they were called, but these were larger and had more details. Not so many jewels, but some had dried flowers with the metalwork.

"I like the one with the horns, it's different than the other ones," she said. It was more regal. More fit for her. It stood tall, and when she picked it up it wasn't as heavy as she expected it to be. Horns curved upwards and turned away from the head when it was worn, dried flowers fanned the outside and the metalwork was intricately done.

"Okay, kaylen and Ash will work on makeup and hair while we fix your dress," Elizabeth said.

Kaylen had brought with her a box filled with brightly colored objects.

"I was thinking greens and blues to contrast with her brown hair and eyes. What do you think Ash?"

"Oh, that would be lovely, are you okay with that, Shae?"

"Uhm...I've never worn makeup, so I do not know," she replied.

"Wow, that's a first, but no worries if you decide you don't like what we've done we can always remove it," Kaylan seemed so escited to do this and Shae didn't want to see her unhappy so she gave the okay.

She removed powders and pencils from the box. The pencils were similar to the ones Katherine had in her home for Charlie when he got older and could color. She had been allowed to use them, but found them odd to hold and use so she refrained.

The powders made her sneeze when opened. Their smell was also obnoxious, but once they were on her face the smell seemed to go away. Her eyes were covered in color after color, and she longed to see what she looked like, but was told she'd have to wait until the end.

There wasn't much that was done to her hair. Heat was applied and Ash accidentally touched the back of her neck twice with the hot tool. She apologized profusely hoth times, but Shae had some choice words in her native tongue for her.

While herhair was being done, Elizabeth and Mckenna came back with the dress.

"You look absolutely stunning, Alpha will be falling over himself when he sees you," Shae took that to mean something good and felt heat rise to her cheeks at the complement.

"Come, let's get you in this dress and then in the headpiece and we'll make any final adjustments as needed," her joints were stiff as she stood.

The sides had been stiched perfectly and the dress hugged her figure before flaring to an A-line.

When she finally saw herself in the mirror she barely recognized the face staring back. This was how she was meant to be. A proper ruler, a proper alpha.

"I thank you so much, I don't even look like like...well me," the females smiled and said their thanks.

"It's been an honor, we honestly never thought this day would come. You're the first female the Alpha has ever shown interest in," Shae smiled a little at this.

A knock came at the door startling everyone in the room.

A male wolf entered, "everyone is ready,"

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