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The unspoken question hung like the stench of death.

Damien had recieved a call that the council would be in contact with him, but not a when was given.

They lived like nothing was wrong, however, and Shae enjoyed every second of it. . She learned the ways of the pack.

There were differences with this pack that she had to adjust to. Such as the fact that unless a wolf was born a warrior they held other duties. She wanted this to change, but had a difficult time convincing Damien of this.

He said something to the effect that training everyone would be pointless when other packs were half the size of theirs or smaller.

Another difference was the abundance of food, like humans his pack had stored away food for a long time, where her old oackswould have to hunt when they were hungry.

She had sat in on a training session with the warriors of the pack and had to laugh at the techniques used. She knew she could best most of them, even with her limp. Their strategies were too structured, erratic fighting throws off the opposition easier adn makes you less predictable.

She offered to demonstrate, but they were all too humbled by her offer to let her. She was a lottle aggravated by this show, but it was what it was.

They were all so ready to fall at her feet, of only they knew what ill will she'd brought with her by agreeing to Damien's offer as mate and Alpha together. It wasn't fair to them, and it left her heart heavy to think what this council would be capable of.

She preferred to occupy herself in the days that she wasn't with Katherine, hunting for the pack and leading patrols. It kept her busy and didn't let her mind wander to other more depressing thingse al, a concept she'd recently learned from Katherine. Also, she managed to burn everything when trying to cook, so they forbade her from being in the kitchen. The cooks made it look so easy, but all she could do without damage was skin the animals.

At nights, after eating, she'd lay with Damien and they would get to know each other, both in body, and in mind. There was a surpirising amount to learn from him and about him. She learned a lot of slang from him, and swear words. Swear words would prove useful when she needed to let her anger out. She realized that Damien used them a lot, especially lately, the circumstances probably didn't help at all though.

She also learned that she hated when he smoked. It wasn't a pleasant taste on his lips when they kissed.

She had begun to read the things around his house, bringing her questions to Katherine when she couldn't ask Damien. Shae would visit Katherine once or twice a week, and had been for the last three as such. It was nice to have an actual friend instead of someone who followed your commands at every whim. She found that although Jerod's mate was a nice person, there wasn'tmuch else to her but wanting to fulfill the Alpha' wishes as well as her mate's. Very boring in her mind.

Shae learned a great deal about caring for a child from Katherine and Charlie, and she also enjoyed the company of Lily, and wished she could have a cat of her own, but Damien was allergic to them.

She loved this life. She loved the mundane things that her pack would never understand. She loved the knowledge she was continually receiving. She wanted more out of this life.

She wasn't ready to die, not for real this time.

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