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It felt surreal, marriage wasn't something his kind did, but he supposed this was the closest they ever got.

Currently he was waiting for Shae to come out of the dressing room.

Damien had made sure to keep Shae inside all day so that everything outside would be a surprise. He and a team of his wolves had worked hard all day to get a large tent up, and chairs enough for all of his pack. And before he went to get ready Damien put Jerod in charge of final adjustments.

He had only been to this kind of ceremony twice before. Once for the Brazilian Alpha, Vega, to his female, and once for Irish Alpha, Lorcan, to his female.

Had he more time he would have invited all of the Alphas, but for now this was as he wanted. Every pack member was here, and that's all that mattered right now.

He had saved his father's head piece and suit from when his mother was introduced to the pack. He missed them, and wished they could be here.

It was showtime. The females he had asked to get her ready exited first, bearing their necks in a display of submission before heading to venue.

Then she stepped out. She truly was the goddess that those hunters had been hemming and hawing about so long ago. She radiated beauty and power.

He noticed she had chosen the headpiece that had most matched his of the ones available.

She was also barefoot. He smiled at this. It was the little things like this that made her even more unique.

"Come they're all ready to meet you," he held out his arm for her which she took.

"For one time in my life I am nervous. I do not like this feeling in my stomach, Damien," she told him.

"It's okay, they will see how strong of a leader you are and adore you, trust me," he assured her.

"Okay, I am ready," she steeled her resolve as they walked towards the tent.

As they came into views, he heard gasps throughout the area and had to fight away his grin. He knew she looked beyond incredible.

He could see the emotion in her eyes as they walked down the aisle together. Tears threatened to spill over her well done face, but she stayed with her head up and a full blown smile on her face.

They were at the end of the tent now. He turned and faced his pack, guiding Shae to do the same. His stomach had filled with knots now, it was one thing to already be the alpha, it was another for the pack to accept one.

In short he was nervous for Shae.

And then he spoke.

"I have gathered you today to accept into the pack, our new alpha female. Now, if you will, extend your hands out towards her," they did so.

"As a pack, do you accept your new alpha female, Shae, to protect you and to lead you," a chorus of 'I do's' resounded through the tent and field in which they were situated.

"Do you accept her as my mate and my equal, to make executive decisions on the safety and needs of this pack?" Again the chorus of I do's came back towards them.

To Shae, he asked, "Do you, as alpha female accept these wolves as your own to protect and to serve?"

"I do,"

"And as alpha female will you take the responsibility to make executive decisions on the safety and needs of this pack?"

"Yes, I will,"

"Finally, are there any challenges?" A pregnant pause and then, "very well, everyone give a warm welcome to your new alpha, Shae!" The cheering was deafening. He guided Shae once more down the aisle, their pack baring necks as a form of submission and to show loyalty.

It was now time to feast with the pack.


The last two weeks have been hectic asf. Between all of my courses moving to online and myself moving out of my dorm and into an apartment. I will have more time jow to write and to finish this book.

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