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"Alpha! A shewolf has entered the gates," one of Damien's patrol wolves said over the radio. His remark wasn't needed because Damien saw her on the cameras.

She came.

"I'll come and deal with her," he told the young wolf, and headed out. She had made it into the middle of the his territory before he found her.

Her tunic was too short to be worn in public, but she didn't seem to care. He could see the scars that ran up and down her legs. Some he knew how she got. Flashabcks to the chase of the men and their dogs ran through his mind. Others he didn't. 

She grinned when she saw him and he noticed her canines weren't out. She'd wrangled her nature back. But her nails, he noticed were coming through. She hadn't shifted in a while. She would lose control soon.

She raced towards him, stopping within an arm's length from him.

"It's been long since I've seen you," she said. Her speech had improved since he last saw her. 

"Yes, it has." He responded. He reached for her face, wanting to stroke her cheek. She pulled back, surprise ran across her features.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you like that. You're just so beautiful," he said.

"No, it's okay, I wasn't expecting for you to touch me," she responded, her face going red. It didn't seem possible for her to be so bashful. The human world had changed his beauty.

"I have thought about what you told me, and I said that pack life isn't for me, but I want to be with you, I want to be your mate," Damien choked on his spit. That was very forward. Were his immediate thoughts. Maybe the human world hadn't changed her that much.

"That would mean you'd stay here with me, and be Alpha to this pack as well," he told her. Maybe she hadn't understood the implications of being his yet.

"I know this, and I want it, if you want me still," he was wrong.

"Of course, you've had me captivated from the beginning," he pulled her in for a hug, she tensed at first but relaxed into it. He inhaled her scent, a sweet melody of honey, pine and lavender shampoo.

"Can we go run?" She asked. He could tell her nature needed out .

"Of course. I know the best place on my territory," he took her hand and lead her away from the buildings and into the woods.

Her hand was soft and fit perfectly into his.

He lead her to the border of his lands, where a creek ran into a river and where prey was most abundant.

"I have miss being free. The smells I have miss the most. Katherine's home has small wood for me, but it gets lonely,"

He understood the way she felt, before he had expanded his territory, he felt cramped, too many wolves in too small of a place. His pack had expanded greatly in the last two years and he had neeeded to accommodate for that.

He had closed his eyes to relish in the area surrounding them, unless they were on patrol his wolves did not go to this area.

"The water is cold, fresh," he opened his eyes to see Shae waist deep where the creek met the river. She'd discarded her tunic. Her body was softer around her curves than he'd remembered, due to a better diet, but she was still toned and beautiful.

"Come, you need to shift, I can tell your nature is close to the surface," she faced him, cocking her nead to the side like she would if she was in her wolf.

"Nature?" She asked, puzzled by his terminology.

"Your animalistic side, I can see it in your claws and eyes, it's been too long since you've shifted," he elaborated.

"I know, I have been waiting. My skin itches. I am waiting for you, you are not ready to run," she gestured to his clothes. Very well, Damien thought before stripping down entirely.

Damien could feel her gaze on him and he felt his heart strike a fast rhythm. It was different now, she was as much his as he was hers, they weren't two strangers anymore, but in a way they were.

Shae initiated the shift first and he followed. Their cracks echoed across the water and through the trees. She took longer to shift than he did because she hadn't shifted in a while.

Her wolf form was near his size, but still smaller. Her scars stood out among her pelt, creating patches of missing fur.

Damien nuzzled her face, Shae huffed at his action. She was ready to run and so was he.

He took off first, no real destination in mind. He stopped for a second and nipped at her as she ran past him in a playful manner. He wanted to take her so bad, the urge was ever present, but he wouldn't dare unless she gave him the okay.

The chase was a merry affair and soon they were after a rabbit to eat. It evaded them twice before Damien caught it and relished in the wave of fresh blood that came when he sunk his teeth into its neck, an instant kill.

He let Shae have first share of the meat before him, taking the rabbit and placing it at her feet. He sat back as she ate.

After they had left nothing but bare bones, Shae shifted back to her human form. Her eyes were back to their golden gleam and her teeth elongated but not passing her lips. Her nails had returned to their clawlike state, but she wasn't on the brink of her nature taking over. She was in sync with both sides.

"It feels good to be free again. I don't hide anything now," she grinned at Damien. How he'd missed her.

He shifted back as well. She sauntered past him, swaying her hips. An obvious tease he knew it to be, Damien couldn't help but follow her.

Purposely left on a cliffhanger, it's getting spicy next chapter

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