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The treaty was successful, costing him a third of his company, but he still held majority. Alpha Raymond also requested some wolves, which Damien granted reluctantly, it was only 50 of his 800 or so, but still it cost him. He'd stayed until the end of the week, allowing for the wolves to get use to him before taking them.

With the treaty in effect, both sides would have profit from his business, and in return, he would also receive profit from alpha Raymond's lumber company, and access to supplies as needed.

His females were still feisty, and some had begun their heat cycle, it had been a nightmare trying to quell their angst. Thankfully alpha Raymond didn't have too much of a problem with it, understanding full well how wolves worked. Though, by the time alpha Raymond had left, Damien had to confine nineteen of his female shifters after repeated attempts of throwing themselves at him. It was embarrassing.

Damien hadn't gotten an answer from alpha Raymond on how he had been able to communicate with the female, only that issues would clear up within the next few weeks he'd said.

He was on break with several of his wolves, smoking a cigarette. He wasn't one to do so often, but with all that has happened he needed something to calm him down, and shifting was not an option.

And after the fiasco of last week, he had made it clear to his pack that all shifting was to be done supervised by him or Jerod, punishment for those who do not comply.

He hadn't had time to see the shewolf again, but he needed to get his land first before he could see her again.

Jerod met him at the real estate agent's building an hour later.

"I brought the check, do you think they'll question such a large sum of money? Without a loan that us," Damien gave his beta an annoyed glance. "Alright, alright, let's get this over with then,"

The place looked like a small house, rather unremarkable, but inside were polished floors and perfectly arranged desks, with three side offices.

He and Jerod looked out of place among these people with nice suits and fancy shoes.

"Ah, Mr. Selsney, I assume you're here for the purchase?" Damien nodded at the man who had left a small office room and looked all too cheerful. "I have some papers that you can fill out, and then you'll be on your way. Do forgive us, the city was hesitant on making the property private, they're still searching for that beast,"

Twenty minutes and a shocked agent later, the land was theirs. Jerod had given him a pointed look when the man nearly choked on his saliva at the up front payment, he shrugged it off. Debt was something the pack didn't need when they had money to buy this town several times over.

After the transaction, Jerod and him parted ways, Jerod going to set the pack up for the addition of new territory, and him to return to work.

"Mr. Damien!" It was the deputy sheriff, Jack. Damien paused his stride, letting the shorter man catch up with him. "News is you've bought the land," Damien simply nodded. "I hope you don't mind if we continue to orchestrate hunts until this beast is found, it killed several hunting dogs last time we were out, luckily no one else has been prey, but its only a matter of time before it happens again," Damien wanted to say no, because his wolves needed to roam free, but if they were on a hunt and came across them, all hell would break loose, and things wouldn't end well for any party involved, so he simply said,

"Of course you can, I'd like a heads up before you do, I'd like to help, and I can get some of my friends to do so as well," friends, Damien nearly laughed at himself for that one, even Jerod could not be considered a friend, he was alpha and they were his pack.

"Oh! Well...uhm...that's a bit unexpected, but would be gladly appreciated," the man before him was shocked by his proposal. Was he afraid that they were at fault, he already knew the speculations that circulated about his people.
It didn't matter.

Damien gave the man a false, cheery smile, "Of course, I'm sorry we couldn't help last time, I had a business meeting," it wasn't a complete lie...

"No matter, I just want to say thank you for your cooperation and help with the issue at hand, those men did not deserve to die like they did, and those poor dogs neither," Damien knew several things he could say, and would have liked to, that would make the Man before him bite his tongue.

Those men did not have to continually go after her with guns and dogs, but they did, and what came of their actions only brought more men to their deaths.

With a small nod, he left the man where they'd stopped. By the time he returned to the lumberyard, whispers followed him, news traveled fast and his pack members were eager for the addition of land.


I would like to thank you all my lovely, loyal readers, for sticking with me through this book. Originally I had planned for it to be a short piece of writing, but my brain had other ideas that grew with the story. And I want to say thank you for tolerating my late updates as of recent, between college exams and high school education I've been swamped to my ears in nonsense.

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