The river

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Sleeping next to the campfire brought little comfort and no warmth to you but it seemed to satiate the others. At least I know their names now. Trials made more sense. Or as much sense as they could in this world.

I still havent figured out if it's an alternate world or a place between worlds. One thing you have figured out is every survivor is linked to a killer in some way. Wondering which killer is linked to you and how, is a plague to your mind that is only relieved in sleep.

The fire has the same effect on you as it did in the real world. Its gentle crackling and popping still soothe you to sleep. Slowly you close your eyes, allowing sleep to overcome you.  The entity talks to you in your sleep, whispering bits of your past in your ear, but never enough to grasp the memory. Endlessly taunting you.

It doesnt want  you to know something and is doing a good job at keeping you in the dark. At least in your dreams you're free to wander. The landscape is endless trees, but you keep walking hoping to break free of the woods. Gnarled tree roots and low hanging branches tripping you and scratching your face make you wonder if it's worth it to break through the trees.

The thought of freedom beyond the dark forest is enough to keep you going. Stumbling around you trip over a large root and fall forward over a steep cliff and slide down to where you're a few feet in front of a large river filled with rapids and quick moving currents.

The water is harshly lapping against the rocks that are barely peeking above the water anymore. The rocks along the river bank are clean and smooth from erosion. Just on the other side of the river is a large open field, not a tree in sight. A man is in the field, walking towards the river.

Quickly scurrying back to the safety of the trees, you peer out at the man across the river. Now thankful it's too treacherous to cross. He's too far away to make out any facial features, but he's wearing a blue mechanic's jumper. Its dirty and worn looking, faded light blue in some areas.

He stares into the forest in your direction. His presence isn't that of the killers you're used to. He seems to be searching for something. The impassable river gives you the courage to step out from behind the tree and walk to the rivers edge. You stand opposite him and you take each other in.  The river is too treacherous to cross but maybe you can find a point in the river that's less dangerous to cross.

Why do you want to see him? His very presence is calming to you. It's a familiar presence. Had you met previously? How long had you been standing on the river bank, just starting at him. You could shout at him, but your throat feels dry.

Before you can make a move, he lifts his arm and points at you then points down stream. He begins to walk away and you follow on your side of the river. Finding it difficult to keep pace with the man, who takes long strides. Still pondering why this man feels familiar to you. Why you aren't afraid of him. He certainly has the height and build to be a killer, and yet, you follow.

This is a dream after all, he could be asleep and looking to quench his insatiable lust for blood. Somehow, you dont think that's the case. He stops about 10 yards in front of you, quickly looking back he starts to disappear.

You race to catch up till you're directly in front of him. His image is fading in and out, he's fighting to stay asleep. You reach out your hand to him in a futile effort to show you dont want him to leave but you're beginning to wake up as well. You can hear your name being called faintly.

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