The woman across the river

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You will not see her. I won't allow it. I brought you here to serve me, you will not disobey my orders.

The man in question said nothing. He looked at the ground, ashamed of himself. Feeling like a child, scorned for staying out too late. He knew he couldn't obey the orders given to him.

The only part that was left of his humanity was here in this realm and he was go going to fight for it.

If you really feel that way, perhaps we can come to a deal?

Curious as to what kind of deal the demon would offer. He lifted his head and asked what the demon wanted from him.

He had nothing and already belonged to this entity. What more could it take from him? His soul? No, he didn't have one. He was sure of that. His heart? It wasn't his to give. It belonged to the woman across the river. Surely there was nothing else it could want.

It was amused by the thoughts running through the man's head. What could it want from him indeed?

Nothing of consequence to you. Do as I ask and I shall allow you the woman across the river. If she'll have you.

Of course she would have him. She loved him didn't she? No, she never said that. She said she wanted to.

The man raised his head once more and asked the demon what it wanted. 

Its disgusting voice tickled his ear and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. It whispered it's devious plot to him and if it had a physical form, the man would be strangling it, to have asked such a thing from him.

He could do it...but she would hate him. No, she's smart. She will understand that he's doing it for them. I accept, said the man. Hoping he was right.

Does she even want him though? Was it just a trick the foul demon had played on him? No. She was real and he knew it. Not even a powerful demon disguised as her, could evoke those feelings from him.

The demon would have her voice flow like silk, but it didn't. Cracking when she screamed, after he scared her. It was real and it wasn't perfect.

The demon would have her skin glow like the morning sun, but it doesnt. Burnt red and blistering from being in the sun too long. It was real and it wasn't perfect.

The demon would have her body be modeled after that of a goddess, but it isnt. It was bloodied and bruised from trials. Littered with scars from wounds. It was real and it wasn't perfect.


None of that was perfect, but he wasn't perfect. Before this had happened. Before the entity had taken him away from his humanity. She had stayed with him and loved him. That made her perfect. Nobody else could or would do that, and he didn't want them to. She was perfect to him.


She loved him.
It was real, and
She was perfect.

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