first quarter

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True to his word, Michael hunted down survivors mercilessly. So far, none had escaped him. His long lost rush of joy from killing, was back. With every life he took, he was one step closer to reviving his love. One step closer to correcting his mistake.

The entity had praised him after the first few kills, the more he got, the less it spoke. The more kills he got, the more hope filled Michael's being.

Filled with hope and determination, the entity was losing its grip on it's best killer, but what could it do? A deal had been made and though evil, the entity kept promises. There were no loopholes in this deal that it could manipulate. Michael would succeed, his love would be revived and they would leave this place.

It could only hope he would fail, start over, or give up. The way things were going, he wasn't going to fail.

Lampkin Lane: He knew the place like the back of his hand. He grew up here. Though it was barren of residents and only a crumbling memory held it together, it was his home.

Having 248 consecutive kills under his belt, michael entered another trial. The thrill of the hunt, urging him forward to complete his sacrafices. Generators auras revealed to him he stalked towards each one, listening. Silent as the night, he snuck into a nearby house. The sound of a generator being repaired alerts him to his prey's presence.

How many would be working on it? The generators aura reveals it's a one man generator. One door, boarded windows, no way out. Silently creeping up the stairs, his excitement could hardly be contained. With such a low terror radius, they wouldn't know he was even there. Until it was too late.

Standing in the doorway, he watched the survivor, who is oblivious to his presence. The altruistic one; Claudette, was his current target. Taking her out would make this match easier for him. Only becoming aware of his presence, when the sound of his tier 2 went off, did the claudette blow the generator spinning around to face him.

She had no where to go, and he would make sure, no one saved her. Quickly lunging at her he landed a hit, right below her collar bone. She landed on the ground with a satisfying thud.  The deep gash on her chest, prohibited her from successfully escaping through his legs. Before he picked her up, he raised his foot to the generator and kicked it as hard as he could. Pieces fell to the floor as her progress was lost.

She wiggled in his grasp, like iron, she couldn't make him budge. He could see other survivors out of the corner of his eye. Good. That meant they weren't working on generators. As he marched across the street, down the stairs he felt that her team mates would not attempt a rescue.

He slammed her body onto a hook, relishing in the scream that tore through her and echoed in the basement. As he turned to leave, he saw the red scratch marks on the ground. Of course someone had ran past him while she was screaming. The scratches led right to a locker.

Marching to it, the survivor, that he quickly identified as meg, tried to exit the locker and flee. Only making his job easier. Hauling the woman to the next available hook, he repeated the motion of brutally throwing her onto a hook. Claudette was struggling with the entity, still holding onto hope that someone would come for her.

So far, no generators had been finished. It mattered not, to michael, as long he knew where the hatch was. He could simply close it. By the time he marched back up the stairs, the entity had claimed claudette and meg. The red head had no hope left. Not even bothering to fight against the entity.

Finally, the first generator had been finished. On his way to investigate, he passed another generator, that sounded to be almost complete. Making a B line for that generator, he saw the nervous Male; Dwight. Standing far enough away, he stalked the Male until his tier 3 activated. The Male, stopped working on the generator and turned to face him. Not moving a muscle, he stood there as michael approached.

Immediately hitting the ground with a single blow. He made no attempt to crawl away or struggle when michael threw him on his shoulder. Paying no mind to the mans strange actions, he hooked him just like be bad done, hundreds of times before.

The man struggled in an attempt to get off the hook. The entity materialized into the realm, claiming the man and dragging his soul to it. Only one survivor left, and michael had only a few moments left in tier 3.

With only one generator finished, he returned to the one the man had been at, forcefully kicking it. Ensuring, his last victim would not escape. The hatch wouldn't spawn until one more generator had been completed.

Briskly walking to each generator, he bacame frustrated as none have been worked on. No progress had been made. This last survivor was either hiding, or working on the generator that had almost been finished.

Breaking into an almost sprint, michael sped to that generator. His suspicion was right. He could see the outline of a woman working on the generator. It was almost finished as well. Michael was full on running at this woman.

Alerted to his presence, his thundering footsteps forced her to stop working on the generator and try to run. Fear driving her forward, she ran as fast as she could away from michael. He had never run before.

Hot on her heels, michael abandoned his knife, lurching forward he did something he hadn't ever done. He snatched the woman up by her hair and yanked her to him. It was his dear old sister, Laurie and his chest filled with hatred and bitterness.

Screaming and writhing in his iron grasp, laurie tried to break free. All to no avail, michael simply threw her on the ground, climbing right on her, his hands went around her neck and her screams ceased soon after. Turning into suffocated gasps for air, she tried to get the hulking man off her.

Panting and sweating behind his mask, michael tightened his grip around his sisters neck. He couldn't remember why he was so angry with her, all he knew was; she had to die.

Her struggling stopped and michael knew she had only passed out. Removing his hands from her neck he picked up his sister and threw her over his shoulder. Taking his time to walk back for his knife, he picked it up and walked towards the basement.

The shock and pain from being put on a hook, must have woken her up. She didn't scream but she didn't struggle to break free. She would have glared at michael, if he hadn't marched back up the stairs away from her. The bruises around her neck hurt more than the meat hook protruding from her shoulder.

The round ended quickly after that. The entity had claimed laurie, once more and michael was a few kills closer to getting (____) back. He could hardly hear the entity anymore. Though he didn't know why, it did.

The entity. The supernatural being, was losing. Losing its grip on all of its killers, losing the hope it was stealing from survivors. The world it had created, was crumbling. Michael was single handedly destroying everything the entity had so
meticulously built. The survivors had stopped fighting against michael. Seemingly accepting their fate as none had escaped him in many trials.

Michael could finally rest. The trial was over and none had escaped. He would keep his promise. He looked forward to his dreams. Now that he couldn't hear the entity, they were always peaceful dreams. He dreamt of the life he would have with his love when he got out.

It couldn't come fast enough for michael. He would keep moving forward and he would continue to be victorious in his trials.

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