sweet dreams🍋(warning)

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It was warm, and soft. Strange, Michael had fallen asleep on the hard ground. The memory of what had happened came rushing back and he bolted up right. Breathing harshly the mask became extremely hot. Ripping it off his head he took in his surroundings.

He was in a bed, sheets soft as silk, comforter plush and warm. The early morning sun was pouring in between the curtains. Where is this place. No blood covered the walls, no rotting wood. Why is it so nice? Kicking the covers up, Michael swung his legs over the bed. Plush carpeting met his bare feet. His knife, was no where to be seen.

Stumbling up he looked for clothes to put on. Passing a full length mirror he stopped and stood there, taking in his body. It was so different. Clean and smooth. No scars on his chest or back. Even his hands lacked the calloused roughness. His hair was messy from sleep, but clean and short. Stubble on his face. His eyes didn't have bags under them from never sleeping. He lacked lean muscles he had acquired from hunting people and not eating. Instead his mid section had only a slight tone to it, but was otherwise soft when he stopped flexing.

Too busy looking at himself in the mirror he didn't see (____) sneak up behind him. Slender fingers gently dragged between his shoulder blades "Good morning handsome. Finally awake?" Whirling around he saw her looking up at him.

Innocent doe eyes, gazing at him. Full of love and adoration, ignorant of the monster he was. Ignorant of what he had done. Enveloping her in a bone crushing hug he wept. "What's wrong mikey? Another nightmare?" He wanted to apologize to her "I'm so sorry (____). I....-I didn't mean to do it." His own voice shocked him. He could talk. He always could, but it felt normal this time. He didn't have to figure out how to form the words before hand. They just came out.

She said nothing, but stroked his back "Shhhh mikey, it was a bad dream." She pulled back forcing him to look at her. Her hand cupping his cheek. Tears, still falling down his face. Was he awake or asleep? Did it matter? She was here, alive and safe. "Relax darling. It was just a dream." She paused to kiss his nose. A slight giggle escaping her perfectly plump lips. "I'm making breakfast, get dressed and come downstairs." She gingery pressed her lips to his, before he had the chance to kiss back she pulled away.

Stepping backwards, she slipped from his grip, a noodle strap tank top and knee high leggings clung to her frame. Throwing a quick wink his way before, sauntering off and closing the door. His boxers felt tight. For the first time since he was taken, he felt himself ache with need. He had never touched himself before he had been taken by the entity, he never felt the need. Killing was the only thing he desired, but now, he felt no desire to kill. It felt odd, peaceful maybe? The tightness and aching was too much for him now.

Making his way to the hall he finds the house looks like his old home. Decending the stairs he marched through the living room, towards the kitchen. His erection still tight against his boxers. "Mikey! Breakfast is ready!" He couldn't just barge in there and force himself on her. No he didn't want to scare her

Not knowing what to do, michael just stood in the living room, erection ever prevalent and aching. What was this? Why was it happening? He had only had sex once before the entity took him away from the world. Away from (____). She had given herself to a killer, to him. He was clumsy and inexperienced, but she guided him along and it was wonderful.

He had done what he hated so much. The other teens fucking in his house, didn't love each other, he loved (____). It was different, or at least, that's what he told himself. Still the thought of slamming her into the wall and taking her as hard as he could made his cock ache. "MICHAEL MYERS! YOU GET YOUR A-....oh." she had stomped into the living room, seeing the state he was in.

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