coil by coil

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He was more than halfway there. Over 500 sacrafices to the entity. *tick* No longer able to hear its whispers or feel its tightening grip around his mind. *tick* He felt...normal. Thinking that, felt wrong. He still killed the survivors. Still hunted them down with purpose. The more time went on, the less he enjoyed their screams of agony. *tick* They hardly screamed now anyways. Pleas of mercy no longer found their way to his ears. *tick* No, he felt how he did when he was with (___) during his dream. Calm and relaxed. She wasn't with him, but he carried her in his heart. *tick* He would have her back and if she was angry with him, he would spend the rest of his life on his knees, begging her for forgiveness....who was he kidding, she would be furious. He didnt deserve her forgivness. He deserved all the pain he felt inside. *tick*

Abruptly shaking his head, michael stood up. His depressing thoughts weren't going to help him kill survivors. *tick* He paced around his cabin, twirling his knife in his hand. Trying to amp himself up. No longer being able to hear the entity*tick*, he couldn't tell when he was being pulled into a trial.

Anger consumed the man, the more he paced. *tick* *tick* The man called David crossed his mind and his anger flared more. *tick* He had been close to his love. Too close.*tick* Every trial he was in with the man, he made sure he suffered greatly.*tick*

The black mist that swirled around his feet, alerted him to the start of a new trial. It worked it's way up his body, completely engulfing him. He welcomed it. It was cold an ominous.

He brought his ebony mori with him. Wanting to finish the round as quickly as possible. He had help from the huntress, teaching him more effective tracking methods. The trapper had taught him how to herd them to where he wanted. The doctor had taught him overcharge.

All in all, he was even deadlier than he was before. There was no way they would be able to run from him. He would find them. In a corner like a wild animal. Trapped and desperate. Flight being their only option, they cowered in fear. They wouldn't be able to do generators as quickly. Panic and distress causing them to mess up. Alert to their presence he was always quick to find them.

With each passing second, he was wound up tighter and tighter. Like someone twisting the coils of a spring and letting it go. Each trial felt like a dance they had rehearsed a hundred times before. Yet the moves changed sometimes. It was clumsy and imbalanced. Some of the moves were graceful and coordinated. The end was always the same though. With michael on top. He always won the competition.

As soon as his feet were planted on the grounds of the asylum he was on the prowl. Listening for generators. Blending in with the shadows and moving silently. The only tell sign that he was there, was his white mask, standing out against the shadows.

The sound of a generator made him turn on his heel. Of course, the generator in the back of the map was the one being worked on. Peeking from behind his tree, michael saw the man known as ace. Lucky son of a bitch in Michael's opinion. He had to go.

He watched the man work on the generator, ignorant to his presence. Building his evil, slowly but surely. Until there was nothing left to take from the man. He made his move before the generator was finished. Landing a blow to the mans left arm.

He let him run. His blood would lead him to where he was hiding. Breaking the generator with his foot, he began the pursuit of 'ace' what a stupid name, Michael thought. Letting out a huff, he followed the blood, like a hell hound. The mans whimpers of pain gave away his hiding spot. Unable to run from Michael's swift swing. His knife met the mans back. Slicing right over his spine. He let out a scream of pain as he hit the ground. Perfect.

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