A new deal

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Nothing could stop the tears from falling. Nobody could see them behind the mask. Nobody would ever care. They were afraid of him. They were afraid of the cries of agony that ripped from his throat.

The charastically silent man was wailing. His knees hit the dirt hard. For once he was disgusted with himself. The blood that covered his hands made him sick. His knife dripped crimson, disgusted with his weapon of choice, he launched it as far as his arms would allow.

The other survivors watched on in curious horror as he fought with himself. What had he done? Her body laid twisted to the side as blood pooled around the deep wound in her chest.

He had done what the entity had asked, he could hear it praising him but he didn't care. He never felt any thing when he killed but when the knife pierced her chest it felt as if the world was moving in slow motion. The shock on her face contorted into pain. The sound of her flesh ripping amplified in his ears and her scream was deafening.

The tears that spilled from her eyes glistened in the moonlight until they dried. He cradled her lifeless body to him, moaning in agony at the atrocity he had committed. He destroyed what was left of his humanity, but he felt more human than he ever had. Felt more emotions than he could handle.

That was not part of the entity's plan.
The other survivors had slowly approached him. Shooting each other glances, wondering why the killer was acting like this.

They have their guards down. Kill them all

He didn't want to. For once, he couldn't bring himself to do it. One survivor approached him. David? He thought, was the mans name. He reached for (____) and michael jerked back. Keeping her close to his body he stood up with her lifeless form, limp in his arms.

He stormed off, away from the survivors. Needing to be alone to mourn. He marched into his house, or what used to be his house. He hadn't seen his real home in years. Time didn't pass here. There was only darkness.

Careful to not disturb her body, he gently placed her onto the tiny mattress in his old room. He rushed to grab a medkit he hid under the floor and came back to her.

Tending to her wounds wouldn't bring her back. It wouldn't reverse the damage he had done, but he had to take care of her. Gently he lifted her shirt to see the deep stab wound under her left breast. His knife had no doubt, pierced her heart. Pulling out the gauze, he wrapped it around her gently before placing her shirt back in its place.

He lay next to her, arm draped loosely around her waist. Cold and lifeless, but still beautiful. Silent tears rolled down his face as his large form encased her smaller frame. Her hair used to tickle him and she would giggle at him, but there was no giggling. Her hair was dirty and covered in dried blood. Louder he cried. If she had any breath of life in her, she would have wiped his tears. He had watched her take her last breath. Watched it leave her body. Louder he cried. Why was this happening? Her body should have disappeared and the entity should have given her to him

I never said I would allow you to have her alive.

He couldn't stop the sobs that racked through his body. He had been tricked. He had killed the only one who made him believe he was worth loving. He had found her and a part of him that was long forgotten, came back to life. He had crushed it as quickly as it came. This wasn't part of the deal.

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