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"HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO WIN AGAINST THAT MYERS FREAK!?" David screamed. Pacing around the fire, he and a few others were sitting around the fire. "David, calm down." Jake said to him. Moving towards the man, trying to calm him down. He had just come from the same trial.

David jerked away from him "WE HAVENT WON AGAINST HIM IN OVER 100 TRIALS!"  He stomped away from Jake, still fuming. The other survivors that had faced off against myers, were much less full of energy. Too depressed to be annoyed with him. They had accepted their fate against the merciless killer.

Their heads in their hands, they absent mindedly listened to David rant about michael. Jake not knowing how to calm his friend down, grabbed David by the shoulder. Whirling him around, his hand connected with David's face. It was loud for a moment, but David's ranting finally ceased. The other survivors were looking at the two men in utter shock and horror.

"You need to stop this. Screaming won't help us David. You know that." David stood there, in stunned silence. In awe at the fact that Jake had slapped him. He was right though. His behaviour wasn't helping them.

Gently rubbing his cheek where he bad been slapped he turned to Jake, jabbing his finger into the smaller mans chest. "I'll let that slide because I was being a dick. Next time, the killer won't be the only one you have to worry about." He threatened Jake, who visually gulped at the rugby players words.

David sat down with Jake taking the spot next to him. "Look, we don't know what's going on...but ever since...Ever since (____) died, michael has been acting strange." David put his head in his hands and sighed "You should have seen it. He was screaming. I've never heard a human make that sound before. If he wasn't wearing that mask, I'm sure we would have seen him crying." He shook his head and sat up. "I mean, he even threw his knife away." Jake just stared and listened.

They all missed (____), but David missed her the most. They spent the most time together. She hadn't been here that long,  but she had made an impact in David's life. Even in such a short amount of time. He was devastated when she died. He had watched her die. The only person who was with her when michael grabbed her by the throat and stabbed her.

She didn't even seem scared of him at first. She watched him approach her, even welcomed him with a smile. David hadn't put together the fact that she had feelings for the killer. He only figured out that there was something more than hunter and prey, until Michael's wails of agony reached his ears.

It hurt him inside. Even if he wouldn't admit it to others. It took him a while to even admit it to himself. He had cared for the woman as more than just another survivor. It hurt that he couldn't have saved her from the giant killer, but it hurt more that the same killer had her affections, and killed her.

Trials had been easy for a while when Myers was out of comission. Everyone had seen him clutching her dead body. Laurie tried to reach (____) only to be slashed at by the killer. She said, his swings were weak and half hearted. Obviously broken over what he had done. He deserved that pain, but why did he have to take (____)?

"David?" Jake's voice pulled him from his thoughts. Noticing the male had his hand on his shoulder and was looking at him with a worried expression. Finally noticing the tears that had been streaming down his face he pulled away from Jake's grip and wiped his face with his sleeve.

He really missed her. Everyone knew that. No one was going to bring it up to him though. Fearing the beating that awaited them, if they upset David.

Trying to figure out a way to beat myers at his own game, his thoughts came to a halt as Dwight and Quentin came to the camp fire, dragging Tapp behind them. Everyone jumped to their feet when they saw him.

His breathing was rapid and ragged. His throat had been slit completely and was choking on his own blood. Claudette rushed passed everyone, kneeling at his side. "What the hell happened?!" David yelled.

His question was ignored as the others desperately tried to save the detective. His throat was completely cut open revealing his windpipe. He was drowning in his own blood. Without the correct medical tools, he was going to die.

After what seemed like hours, he finally stopped breathing. Claudette was crying, covered in his blood. She looked at Dwight. "What happened?"  Her voice was quiet and meek. Barely above a whisper.

They all sat with their heads in their hands as Dwight and Quentin told what happened. Meg had been with them, but had been sacraficed early  on. She wasnt at the camp fire though.

"We all died but on our way back we saw Tapp in the grass, gurgling on his own blood." Quentin said and everyone just stared at him. Tapp wasnt back, and neither was Meg. They were missing two people.

"Who did that to him?" Laurie asked. David's anger flared. That was a clean knife cut. Who the fuck else could or would do that? "What the fuck Laurie?! It was MICHAEL! Who else would have done this!?" He roared at her. "HE HAS BEEN AFTER US MERCILESSLY FOR WEEKS!" He continued shouting his frustrations at anyone and everyone within a 10 mile radius.

Tapp's body was still at the fire. Nothing like this had ever happened before. They always came back after being sacraficed. It instilled a new sense of fear into everyone. If they died...would they come back?  It was like their first trial all over again. The fear of death was heavy in the air.

Quentin and Dwight took tapp's body somewhere far from the camp fire. Although David was fuming about Michael, his thoughts were over run by the thoughts of his own death, and if it would be permanent next time.

They sat in silence, dreading the next trial they would be pulled into. Mutually praying that Myers wasnt their foe. For if it was, it would be their last

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