Paper Kiss Game

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(Cuz why tf not? Also most of the povs here are Rantaro's)

Kokichi's view

I definitely got pissed but decided to stay with Kiiboy here.. "Soo... What happened between you and Iruma-san?" I smirked, clearly curious of his point of view, "N-nothing! She w-was.. I-uhh" he then got heated up and ran away.. I looked at the soon to be couple beside me and started to walk away..

Rantaro's view

Ouma-k-i mean.. Chan.. Walked away pulling that smug face Momota-kun hates.. I looked our surroundings and decided to go outside.. We stopped at the garden.. I held her hand which made her flustered and said..

"Akamatsu-chan.. I really wanted to ask you this for so long.. But.. Now that we're alone.. I want to ask...  " I picked up a bouquet of flowers behind me.. I turned my head away from her to hide my red face and handed the flowers to her... "Would you.. Date me?"

She got shocked and stayed silent.. O-oh.. "I-its okay if you don't want to.. I just wanted to-Mmph!?" A soft pair of warm lips was now connected to mine.. It didn't last long.. She then parted and smiled.. "Does that count as an answer?"

Tsumugi's view

I sneakily stayed on the trees with my camera and some snacks.. I then saw Amami and Akamatsu.. Ohohoh.. This is gonna be good..
Blah blah he held her hand blah blah blah he asks.. During that time.. I was stuffing my mouth with snacks because I was trying not to fangirl..

Then the moment of truth! She kissed him.. During that i was turning blue.. Really blue.. Why? Because I'm holding back my scream..

Anywho.. During that holding back.. I forgot I was in the tree.. And.. Fell.. They were quite in shock.. Because I didn't want to ruin the moment, which I did, I quietly dusted my clothes and silently walked away.. With a smug look..

I took out my paper and scribbled a heart beside Amamatsu.. "Hmm.. Tenmiko time!" I said as I walked around the hallways..

Rantaro's view
Our eyes widened.. "I guess we weren't alone then..But.. Whatever.. Shall we continue?" I asked.. She nodded and we connected our lips together again.. And.. A flash came at our eyes.. We parted and saw Shirogane-san.. With a camera.. And a photo.. Of me and Akamatsu-chan.. Kissing.. "This is so going to my lab" (in my case.. It'll be in my room or my door)

The next day.. At breakfast.. Me and Akamatsu-chan sat beside each other.. My face began to heat up.. I've never been this close to her.. I noticed Ouma-chan was pulling a smug look.. And so does Shirogane-san.. They both stood up and screamed.. "LET'S PLAY A GAME!!"

"Oi! Quiet down! You virgins are gonna fucking rape everyone with that fucking loud voice!!"

"Oh Iruma-san.. If only you could know why you're over-used whore body is made in this world"

"W-w-whore!?" Again with the stutters? "Sure, I can play for a while" Akamatsu-chan agreed.. After breakfast.. We decided to play the game..  "So? What's the game?" I asked Shirogane-san..

"Its.. The.. Paper Kiss game!!"

"W-w-what!?" Everyone shrieked.. Shirogane-san laughed.. "Oh please.. I wont be using my ship list" everyone gave a sigh of relief.. I heard her mumble something but I can hear it clearly..

"So.. I'll be using your first names so don't question" she looked at everyone with narrowed eyes before continuing "So.. Miu, Kiibo, Kokichi, Shuichi, Rantaro, Kaede, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, Kiyo, Kirumi, Ryoma, Maki and Kaito"

"Wait a minute.. Wheres Gokuhara-kun?" Momota-kun asked.. Shirogane-san smiled and put her hand on Momota-kun's shoulder.. She said "You and I both know that Gokuhara-kun is too pure to even share the same paper with Iruma-san" she then let go and called Gokuhara-kun..

"Oh Gokuhara-kun! Could you be a dear and find butterflies for everyone? Its part of a surprise after the game!" She asked.. Gokuhara-kun then smiled and answered "Gonta will be a true gentleman and bring lots of butterflies for friends!" With that.. He leaves..

I can tell everyone wants to whine.. But.. They agreed so they can't.. With that said.. The game starts..

3rd person's view

First came Miu.. She picked the paper up and stuck it to her lips.. She got an idea and suddenly wrapped her arms around Kiibo's neck.. He started to heat up.. He leaned in and took the paper by lip..

Then came Ouma.. Ouma started to blush a tint of pink.. Which caused Shuichi to feel a bit jealous.. Anywho.. The paper is now in Ouma's lips.. "I wish that paper wasn't in the way-Wait.. What!?" He thought to himself.. Ouma got impatient and grabbed Shuichi by his neck and passed the paper by lip (if this is making you feel weird then im sorry.. Because I feel weird too)

Blah blah blah because im hella lazy to write everything.. Long story short they blush everytime they pass the paper.. Except for Ryoma and Angie... Anywho.. Back to the story..

After the game.. Everyone stayed silent.. And just in time, because Gonta just arrived.. "Where does Shirogane-san want me to put butterflies?" He asked Tsumugi.. "Hmm.. No need! Just give the butterflies to everyone.. And match their colors!" Gonta nodded and put every butterfly on his hand..  (I have no idea on every colors of a butterfly so you might see something weird)

"Iruma-san has pink because pink looks good on Iruma-san"

"Kiibo-kun has white.. Because he pure" (not anymore in the game)

"Ouma-chan has purple.. Because Gonta wants to apologize for what he said at lunch"

"Saihara-kun has dark blue! Because Gonta thinks of him as close friend"

"Amami-kun and Akamatsu-chan has couple butterfly because they look in love"

"Chabashira-san has blue and Yumeno-chan has red"

"Yonaga-san also has white like her hair"

"Shinguuji-kun and Tojo-san has grey because they can't be separated"

"Hoshi-kun has blue like his eyes"

"Momota-kun and Harukawa-san also has couple butterfly!"

"Gonta hopes you like them.. Gonta worked hard to catch perfect butterflies for friends.. "


Me: Of course im gonna keep them!!

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