Final Feminine Days

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Im too tired to keep it waiting anyways

Kokichi's view

Friday.. My final day as a girl.. But I still haven't even kissed him yet.. Ironic huh? Welp.. I even planned this from the beginning of the month anyways.. It's currently 11:37 AM and I'm lock picking his room.. What? At exactly 7:30 PM I'll be a guy again.. I'll just make use of my time...

"Uhm.. Ouma-chan? What are you doing?"

Sheep, sheep, sheep! I turned around and saw the one and only.. "Saihara-chan! W-why aren't you sleeping??" I stuttered.

"Why are you sneaking in my room?..."

Welp.. "You still haven't gave me your hat so I decided to take it myself.." Heheh.. No one can take my stolen hat away from me! "You know.. I could always give it back to you.." He said with a smile.. Sh*t.. His teeth are practically shining..

He took out his key and opened the door.. And he practically just took out his hat and gave it to me.. "Hope you enjoyed your time as a girl!" He said with a happy tone..

"I haven't...." I mumbled so he can't hear me.. Hmm.. Wait wait.. Im making a plan.."Saihara-chan!" "Yeah?" "You can do a favor for me right?"

"Uhm.. With you returning to being Ouma-kun.. Then sure.. "

Yes! Jackpot! Quick.. Come up with a lie! "I was wondering if-"

*Ding dong bing bong*

Grah!! Fvck! "Oh.. But before that.. Lets go to lunch first. Im hungry" Saihara-chan said as he dragged me to the dining hall..

It was not welcoming at all.. "Im surprised purple virgin hasn't lost her virginity yet"

"Will Ouma-chan still be friend with Gonta even if he's boy?"

"I hope you enjoyed your time as a girl!"

"I just hope Kirumi will still give me guacamoles"

"All of you don't be attached to her! You will all still see her tomorrow!" Of course Shinguuji-kun will be like that..

"I pray to Atua that you will have a painless transformation!"

"Maybe I'll make another potion to turn girls into-"

"Yumeno-chan! Stop with the potions!"

"You disgusting male! Yumeno-chan knows what she's doing! Unlike all of you perverted males!"

"Tenko...Im asking nicely for you to please.. Shut up"

"Not gonna lie.. I'll miss this kind of cuteness "

"*sniffle* will you still be gay for each other?"

And for the very first time! Kirumi let me drink Panta for lunch! I just noticed.. Kiibo hasn't given me his 'welcome' remarks.. "Hey Kiiboy! You still haven't answered my question!"

"Oh? What is it?"

"Do robots still have dicks?"

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