To Try

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I look around to see that time has gone by,
I couldn't help but just let out a sigh,
Everything fell apart with a simple lie,
I lost him before I could say goodbye;

I still remember the pain in his eyes,
Yet I did nothing and watched as his heart dies,
If I could go back, I would,
And tell him the truth, if I could;

He ran away and never looked back,
Forgetting about the love we lack,
Thinking about it still makes me cry,
If only I could go back and really try;

Try to be the family he wanted,
Try to give the love he needed,
Try to make him feel accepted,
Things would be different, yes they would;

Try to be the help he wanted,
Try to be the hope he needed,
Try to help him feel what he can't feel,
Things would be different, yes they would;

If we try,
Then there would be no reason to cry,
No one would die,
Because we would try,
No one would lie,
Everyone would fly,
Because we would try;

We have to try,
If we want to save a life,
To save a world,
We have to try;

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