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>>"You had one job, ONE JOB!"

<<"I know and I'm sorry."

>>"What happened to never being afraid, or never turning soft?"


<<"Believe me, I tried holding back. I tried resisting."

"But I lost."

>>"Yeah, you did lose. And now you're going to pay."

<<"It won't happen again, I swear! This is all I have left!"

>>"We have no choice. You know what happens when you don't follow through."

<<"I know. But you don't have to do this."

>>"I'm sorry, but I have to kill you. Because if I don't follow through, they'll kill me too!"

<<"What will happen when you do kill me? My family and everyone I love will hunt you down."

>>"Everyone you love? Look around! There's no one here to save you. No one loves you."

Except one person.

<<"Don't do this. At least just give me sometime to figure things out! To say goodbye to..."

>>"What? You mean her? God, your so naive. She is the reason why everything is falling apart!"

<<"Please, just let me say goodbye."

>>"I'm sorry, I really am."

"Say goodbye, Mr. Price."



Kathleen F.

Kathleen F, All Rights Reserved ©

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