Chapter 20: Meet The Parents

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Above: Ross Lynch as Brady Taylor. If I'm being honest, I thought this was a pretty good match. Brady is more of a surfer kind of boy, but also plays on the football team. Since Ross Lynch was in Teen Beach Movie, I thought it would be the perfect fit. What do you think?

Lets get to Chapter 20! (finally in the 20s i'm crying :(   )


Lia James

After Thursday's fiasco of almost getting busted, it was finally the weekend. Mason and I have gotten off to a good start, and he finally didn't avoid me after talking on Friday.

The gang, Mason, Lina, Jace, Cole, Ryan, and Ollie, all decided to go play mini golf. It was a clam afternoon, not too hot under the collar, but definitely warm. The breeze was subtle and occasional, making the temperature cool down even more. It was the perfect day. Perfect enough to be outside.

I was going to suggest to go to the beach again, but considering it's in the middle of October, the water may have cooled down a few degrees, and I wasn't sure if the gang was up to going in cold water. So, I decided against it.

We were on the second out of eighteen holes. We each got color coordinated clubs and balls. Mason was navy, Lina was pink, Jace was black, Cole was light blue, Ryan was green, Ollie was yellow, and I had purple. We all thought it would be easier to identify whose is whose based on the color each on of us was assigned.

Unfortunately, Jade's family was taking a family trip to Oregon to visit relatives, and Brady was at a training camp for football. It was just us seven, but it was completely fine. I actually liked it better.

It was about noon, and after we've finished all eighteen holes, we've decided that the loser has to pay for everyone for lunch, and the winner gets to choose where to go. It was a fair prize, and it was something we all agreed on.

To my complete and utter surprise, the group chat that Eli had made on Thursday had erupted with text messages almost every second. I was constantly checking my phone every notification, and every buzz that I would get. I had to keep it on the down-low, considering I looked very suspicious in my own perspective.

Speaking of...

Sunflower Squad

Eli: Rise and shine, Andrew! Hope your dreams were splendid.

Andrew: Shut the fuck up.

Eli: How dare you speak to your bestest friend in the whole entire world in that manner?

Andrew: Piss off, Eli.

Nick: Y'all! I've been trying to sleep for the past 2 hours and I just keep hearing my phone vibrate. Everyone shut up!

Eli: You do realize there is a thing called 'Do Not Disturb'.

Andrew: It's literally 12. What the fuck are you sleeping for?

Nick: Yeah, Eli. So 'Do Not Disturb Me'. And Andrew, I'm sleeping because I am a hormonal teenaged boy, and I need my beauty rest.

Andrew: I wouldn't call it beauty rest if you're not beautiful.

Nick: Rudey pants!

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