Chapter 80: The Five Stages Of Grief

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Andrew Price

I've never really thought about whether there was a heaven or hell. I've always thought that spirits, good or bad, had to face their problems and resolve their conflicts on the same plane. Then, when you manage to get past it, you dissipate to somewhere greater, somewhere beyond the madness to be at peace for eternity.

For me? Well, I knew I'd be stuck in purgatory until the end of time. I just didn't think my time on Earth would end right here. Being held at gunpoint with three of the guys I thought I was stronger than. With my girlfriend in the opposite room holding onto whatever bravery she has left to fight this battle.

When the gunshot was fired, I closed my eyes trying to find peace with the little time I had here. I fell in love...twice. I had the most amazing mother and father, who fought hard to protect me as best as they could, even if I rebelled against them. I had my older sister, whom I looked up to in more ways than one.

And my brother. My fifteen-year-old brother. Nicholas was always my best friend, no matter how hard Eli fought me on the matter. Nick was always first in my life. He tried his hardest to follow in my footsteps, and sure we had our differences, but we looked past them to create our team.

Our group. With Eli, Liam, and...Julian.

So...would it really matter if I died this young? I mean, I had one hell of a life. One that I wouldn't trade for a second. Sure, people would be sad from my passing, but they can commemorate on the fact that I loved each and every one of them. Unconditionally.

In a very twisted way, I'm at peace with where I'm at. I'm going to die a hero. Saving the people I loved. Finally putting other people first instead of myself.

Truth be told, I didn't want to be stuck trying to resolve my conflicts. I wanted to be at peace, watching over the people I loved. So, I closed my eyes and imagined a world far better than the one I'm going to die on.

And I waited to be taken away.

Waited. Waited. And waited.

But I could still hear Lia's soul-crushing screams. Almost like they were torturing me.


Like I wasn't dead after all.

When I opened my eyes, a body slumped to the floor right in front of me. I couldn't identify who because I was trying to come down from my high, trying to process the first couple of seconds I managed to open my eyes back to the world.

I looked up, Julian had a surprised look on his face, one that mirrored mine. Like this wasn't apart of his plan.

It wasn't.

Behind him, was Mason, Eli, Jace, Cole, Ryan, Brady, and Ollie. Lina and Jade seemed to be in the other room helping Lia.

Wait, where was Nick?

That's when everything clicked.

"Have you ever thought of the way you would die, little bro?"

"Well, I mean, I wouldn't do it jumping off a cliff plunging to my death if that's what you're saying."

"No, I mean like, would you do it saving the people you love? Or would you stop a stranger from hurting an old lady on the sidewalk? Would you...rescue the love of your life? Even if it means you might die too?"

"If I ever died, Andrew, I would want to be known as a hero. Saving the people I love from an evil force, one that might be too powerful to overcome. But...even if it means defeat, I would still fight my hardest to win. Then, I would want the people I loved the most to be by my side, telling my story to thousands of people so they remember me not as a person with secrets, but a Superman. One that doesn't need any superpowers. One that fights its hardest to help others in need, no matter what they've done. Someone who doesn't need people to ask them for help, they just do it."

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