Chapter 14: The Player

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Above: Dean Geyer as Cole Russell

Honestly, probably the best pick I had for him. Cole is such a funny, up-beat character, and I wanted to have a face to match up with him. I love Cole so much and I can't wait for you to see his development, and all the characters as well.

Enjoy Chapter 15!


Lia James

He smirked.

He freaking smirked.

He just stood there, in front of the Men's bathroom, all sweaty and flustered...and just smirked, at me.

But I went into panic mode when he started to walk towards the booth I was sitting in. He said right across from me, nonchalantly.

"Seriously?" I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What?" He smirked, running his hands through his curly hair, which was jelled up at the front.

"You're in public." I spoke harshly, and he just chuckled.

"Hasn't stopped me before." I covered my eyes with my hands and leaned forward in frustration.

"Just, keep it in your pants."

"No can do, LeeLee. A mans gotta do what a mans gotta do." He looked like he was enjoying this. And that really pissed me off.

"You're really pissing me off." I glared at him once again.

"I guess the feelings mutual, then." He smiled, this time showing his teeth. I continued my expression, and he just sighed.

I heard the sound of heels clicking on the ground, so I turned my head, only to find the girl who was just in the bathroom with Andrew, approaching us at an alarming speed.

"Hey Andrew, I forgot my...Who is this?" She asked, pointing towards me.

"Nobody." He smirks my way, and I made a face.

She sat down next to Andrew, and put her head on his shoulder. He just looked out the window, unamused. "When can we do this again sometime?"

I scoffed, and she glared at me. "Do you have something to say?" She spat, and I just rolled my eyes.

"Andrew, did you call the doctor yet?" I asked him, completely ignoring this bitch's question.

"No. Why? What doctor?" He asked, but immediately regretted it. There's no turning back now.

"Oh, you know. About the STD? He called this morning to see if you still have those burning sensations...down there." I cleared my throat, now turning my attention to the witch next to him. "Welp, looks like you had sex with a guy who has an incurable STD. That means you might have to go to the doctors and get a whole bunch of tests done. Oh, and trust me, it's definitely your fault. You should've asked before you practically jumped and humped him. Well, bye-bye now." I waved at her, and she got up, huffing. She looked like she was about to cry, and I just turned my attention to Andrew, who gave me a blank stare.

"What? That girl practically had it coming." I shrugged. Honestly all these girls that he attracts are so annoying.

"It's a good thing she doesn't go to our school, or I would have a lot of explaining to do." He chuckled, and I sighed.

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