Chapter 22: Okie Dokie Karaoke

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Above: Madison Beer as Shelby Burns. I honestly knew from the start that she was going to be Shelby. When I first created this character, I wanted someone who didn't have blonde hair, or blue eyes, and follow the typical stereotype. And I love her music as well, so I wanted to include her!

Also Above: A song that will be played sometime in the chapter. Trust me, you will know when :)


Lia James

"Would you stop throwing things at me?!"

"Only if you stop chewing so loud!"

"Why are you always criticizing me?"

The gang and I all stared back at the bickering between Cole and Lina. It was like they were an old married couple.

It was lunchtime and we all sat at our usual seats. The sun was beating on us a little too hard today, making it almost 89 degrees out. Today, I decided to wear my Levi distressed shorts, and a sunflower yellow V-neck T-shirt.

My face was a bright pink as I was the only one not wearing sunglasses, nor in the shade.

I turned my attention back to the two wonderful friends ruining lunch today. Jace, Ryan, and Ollie all gave Cole the side eye, politely telling him to shut up, while Mason just stared at Lina. Twin telepathy or something.

"Just fucking get married already." Ollie shouted a little too loud for the lunch space, and got a couple stares from adjacent tables.

"What?" The both said in unison.

"You heard me." He got up with his tray, and left, probably to throw out his food.

"Well, that shut them up." Mason chuckled, and Jace nodded in agreement.

"Guys, what is up with you two?" I asked them. "You guys never fight."

"Yeah, that was until he embarrassed me in front of Dante!" Lina pouted, crossing her arms.

"What the hell did he do?" Mason asked the both of them, who were glaring at each other.

"Well, yesterday, when everyone was over, Dante and I were watching a movie in the living room. Cole comes over and he sits on Dante, farting in his face! I was so embarrassed, I don't want him thinking I have friends that are freaks." She explained.

"I'm cool with Dante, Lina. We're on the football team together. I was just fooling around." He reasoned, and Lina just rolled her eyes.

"I don't care! It's not cool to have friends farting in your boyfriend's face."

"Okay, first, Lina, we do that all the time. We're football players, you should expect stupid behavior from us. Plus, it's Cole. He's almost guaranteed to embarrass you, anytime and anywhere. And second, Cole, sometimes being an asshole isn't that funny." Mason spoke to both of them, and they stared blankly back at him.

"Jace? What about you? What do you think of this?" Cole asks.

"I honestly don't give a fuck." He says nonchalantly.

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