Chapter 16: What I've Been Waiting For

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Above: Colton Haynes as Oliver (Ollie) Carson. Oliver is honestly one of my favorite characters that I've created. He just seems so laid back, and chill, but also very attractive at the same time. I just thought that Colton Haynes was his match.


Lia James

It was Thursday, the day of tryouts. Everyone was getting changed into their practice clothes in the locker room. It was after school, and everyone seemed to be wearing the same outfit: gray pants with a navy blue t-shirt that said Eastwood Warriors. I didn't fit in at all. But I promised myself that no matter if I didn't get along with my teammates, I would at least still try. I owe it to myself to try and get somewhere with the sport I fell in love with when I was little. I owe it to my Dad for coaching me and given me tips on how to be a better player. I owe it to my Mom, for always supporting me at my games.

If I didn't play professional softball, or even baseball, at least I would have this feeling in my heart that knows that I still tried everything that I could.  

I sat on the bench, after the coach had assigned me to a locker. It took me three times to open the stupid locker, and every time I tried, I continued to get frustrated. When I eventually got it open, I managed to fit my huge backpack for softball inside, plus my bats. I put my school backpack in the car that I took to school at the end of the day.

I got changed into my usual black softball pants, and my championship t-shirt that I won last year with the school I went to back in Maine. Then, to top it all off, I wore my white cleats, with a black strip along the side. I had gotten those last year at the beginning of the year. I had originally found them online with Nike, but it was really pricey with all the tax and shipping costs. My Dad, one day, took me to a sports place, where we found the same exact ones in my size. It only took us like 5 years to find it, after tearing apart the whole store.

Those cleats were also my first payment with my one debit card. I applied for my first job just as I turned 16. It took us months to get all the paperwork, and get certain tests done. It was a process, but my Mom helped me through all of it. She originally worked at this place since I was about a year old. It was a daycare. While Henry was at school, my Mom would bring me there, and work, while I played with all the dolls, and colored.

Since all of her kids are grown up, and don't really need daycare, except for maybe Layla, she decided to only work once a week, while we were at school. When I turned 16, my Mom sweet talked her boss about me, saying how I was a hard worker and I always listen to instructions. Her boss called me one day after I filled out my application, and asked me a day to come in and interview. The boss, Christy, basically told me I got the job.

I began working the first week in August. I wasn't really fond of the shifts in the morning, just because the number of kids would sky rocket to almost 40, in just a small room. At night, it was more laid back, since Christy wouldn't be there. I learned all the names of the kids that continued to return at the same time I worked there. I made them pictures, tossed a ball around with them, and even played hide and seek. They all loved my positive, fun energy.

It took me about 2 weeks to finally get my paycheck, that would eventually transfer to me debit card. And that was how I paid for my cleats.

My father was always proud about how I was using my own money, how I earning it because I worked hard.

Still sitting on the benches in the locker room, I tied the laces to my cleats, and put my hair up in a ponytail. As I waited for the Coach to come in here and talk with us, I occasionally noticed the looks people were giving me. It didn't bother me as much as I thought it was going to, but it still made me uneasy.

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