Chapter 43: On The Right Side Of Rock Bottom

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"Please turn your textbooks to page 289 for today's lesson."

I stared into oblivion as students followed the teacher's instructions. The sound of crisp paper flipping pages was prominent in the quiet classroom. However, I found my pencil quite intriguing, so I was the only one out of my classmates not following the directions.

"Lia..." The person next to me tapped my shoulder. I didn't pay attention who sat next to me, because I zoned out before the bell rang for sixth period.

"Lia. Mr. Stevens is staring at you like a hawk. Snap out of it."

"Come on Lia." I finally snapped out, twitching in my seat. I received multiple stares from my fellow peers, before I flipped my text book to the correct page.

"What's the matter with you?" The voice continued to talk.

Great. Someone wants to be social with me. And exactly at the moment that I am feeling anti-social.

I turn my head lazily, groaning in the process, and find my completely observant boyfriend, staring at me with a concerned expression.

"Ian." I laughed nervously. "I had no idea you were sitting next to me."

"Yeah, I thought since we've been dating for quite a while I would stop being scared and sit next to you. I hope that's okay."

"Yeah! It's fine. Sorry I was so cold, I didn't realize who you were...until now." I smiled shortly, before dropping the expression. I fiddled with my pencil, hoping he wouldn't start asking questions.

"Rough night last night?" He asked.

Exactly what I didn't want.

"You know how I am, Ian." I said, hoping he would understand so I wouldn't have to elaborate.

"No, apparently I don't. How are you, Lia?"

Another thing I didn't want to do.

"Ian." I said a bit sternly. "I overthink everything! The moment something is said to me, I think about it until I go to sleep."

"So, what's got you all worked up today?" He pulled me into his embrace, while I put my head on his chest. We sat in the back row, so we swerved from the teacher awkwardly calling us out in class.

I couldn't exactly tell him the truth. I couldn't tell him that I visited my friend's (who isn't exactly my friend) house to see his parents to tell them that I loved their son. That I missed him and I wanted to talk to his parents about it because I didn't know how else to handle the situation.

So, I decided with a more practical answer. And it technically wasn't a lie, because this has been getting me worked up lately.

"It's softball." I sighed, pulling away from him and resting my elbows on my desk. "I'm just nervous that we aren't going to make it in the championship. I mean, I've worked hard for so long, so long. I won the championship for my team last year in Maine, and I pitched for that game too. Struck almost everyone out until I had to sit in the dugout."

"Don't be stressed, Lia. You're amazing. Don't let this whole championship thing let you down, take it all in. Don't worry about what happens in the future, focus on what happens right now. Like...Psychology?" He pointed to the textbook, and I grinned.

"I'm serious, Ian."

"And you think I'm not?" He paused. "Look, I know you're stressed. So, let me take your mind off of it tonight. Are you free?"

I look at him suspiciously, turning my body towards him. "Yes, what do you have in mind?"

"I'm thinking take-out from your favorite place at my house. My parents are going to be at a convention in Dallas, so they won't be home for a few days. Which also means, we'll have the whole house to ourselves." He raised his eyebrows.

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