Chapter 9: Just A Loner

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No pictures this chapter. I thought y'all would get sick of it at some point. But the rest of the cast will be shown, I just thought I would give you a fresh chapter without any pictures included. <3


Lia James

It was another quiet day at school. Eli had stopped talking to me after I confronted him the other day. I haven't seen him the past couple days so I was guessing he was avoiding me.

I guess that's okay. I mean my life is pretty dull without Eli at least walking up to my locker and slamming it in my face only to just get me angry. I have Cole, but his humor gets old.

Who am I kidding? Cole's doesn't even have humor, he's just plain old dumb. But I still love him to death.

Today I stood at my locker hoping for Eli to come over and slam it, but considering he hasn't done it in a few days, he's probably not going to today. I mean, who am I kidding? I basically told him to go crawl in a hole and never talk to me again.

"Okay, I have a very serious question." I heard Cole's voice behind me, as he tapped my shoulder. I shook my head to clear the thoughts that were clouding my mind.

"What is it?" I asked in a tired manner. I was just waiting for him to ask something stupid.

"Why do girls get their nails done and call it a manicure? Shouldn't it be called a 'womencure' or something?" He asked with all seriousness.

"I don't know, Cole." Lina walked up to him, butting into our conversation. "Why do asses smell bad?"

"I was wondering the same thing too!" He pointed out, raising his voice.

"Cole, 'mani' means hand in Latin. A manicure means you get your fingernails done." I explained before a lightbulb clicked in his head.

"Oooooooh!" He said, and then laughed. "I still don't get it."

Lina shoved him away from us, and I watched as he mindlessly asked people on the other side of the hallway. The people he was asking kept shoving him away, like we did. I couldn't help but smile at Cole. He has so much to learn.

"Why do you look so gloomy?" Lina asked, leaning against the lockers beside mine.

"I don't know." I replied quickly, and obviously Lina knew something was up judging by the look on her face.

"Is it a guy? It totally is a guy! Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!" She squealed and I shushed her as people turned their gazes toward us.

"It's not a guy, Lina. Calm yourself. I'm just nervous about Thursday and my tryout."

"Oh, so you want to talk about sports? Okay, I'll leave." She waved, and I grabbed her arm.

"I'm serious." I puffed.

"Yeah, well-"

"Hey guys." Some guy walked up to us. He was pretty good-looking, and looked to be in our grade.

"I'm having a party tonight and you both are invited. I'll see you there." He said before smiling and turning away. Lina's jaw was practically touching the floor.

"I'm sorry." I tapped his shoulder before he had a chance to slip away. "You're To your party?"

I had to clarify because I haven't exactly been to a huge party where the whole school had been invited. I went to sleepovers, for sure, and birthday parties where it was just a couple of friends but never a huge bash.

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