Poetry 7: Tearful Reminiscence

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Sitting alone silently,
Thinking about how you came unexpectedly.
I guess, It's a kind of feeling that I hate truly.
'Coz reminiscing those past make my tears fall continuously.

I was once trying,
But I find it hard to go on.
Until now, I haven't yet moved on.
I can't even get you out of my head.
Oh please! Help me to get over you.
If that so, I won't waste my time longing for you.

I have missed the feeling of being loved.
Loved by someone whom I thought as, "the one".
Unfortunately, he just left me hanging.
And it took so long,
since I realized that he's already gone.

Sometimes, I found myself wondering.
I have hated myself for having this kind of damn feeling.
Please tell me that I am just daydreaming,
So I could stop myself from crying.

-— Prettymira18
Date: January 16, 2014

A Poetry of EmotionsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ