Poetry 9: Unwonted love

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I met you, out of the blue.
A certain feelings of mine grew.
I was bothered if I'll let you know,
Because I doubted if you are available, tho'.

Before you get to know me, I have already known about you.
Yet it seemed difficult for me to attach with you.
Since, a kind of man that every girls would dream is you.
So, I left my feelings behind, and live like I never met you.

Fate started to play around us.
And I began to feel startled.
Knowing I am being shaven by my own follies,
I hide like a bird in my own cell of ebony.

But you know, the moment when your shadow shows off,
You never knew how much I was fluttered.
A words from my heart was being uttered,
Why all of a sudden, your presence outweigh to me as an essence?

Date: January 04, 2015

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