Poetry 27: His Lost Love

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It's getting midnight yet our consciousness still restlessly ambling through the pane of our windows as we are busy questioning ourselves why we weren't good enough to someone;
To someone who once brought heaven into our palms;
To someone who once made us whole;
To someone who once give us light to our dimmed world;
To someone who once showed us a rainbow after the stormy and chaotic days;
And to someone whom we carved good memories with, and only left us with footprints that turned into a deep scars which life has tattoed us.

PS. To someone who left me hanging in the middle of nowhere, I hope you'll find that woman you were actually searching for. I wish you the happiness you didn't found in me.

For now, I am visiting on the grave where I buried all your broken promises along with those compiled letters which you have never read and never kept.
Till I remember you, and you're just a familiar character in one of my favorite books.


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