The HQ Raid

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Only one day until the raid, and only one day until the sports festival. The night before the big day, Izuku and his organized strike force met up for one as run down of the plan.

"We have been preparing for almost two full weeks, I hope we get some amazing results." Izuku said, "Is everything prepared?"

"The escape chopper is up and running!" Magne replied.

"I've acquired the blood of a staff member! You can count on me Izuku!" Replied Toga with excitement.

"Now all we need is a name for our main strike force, the ones who will do the dirty work." Said Dabi.

"You're right, we never actually thought of a team name for them." Replied Izuku.

Suddenly, the mentioned strike force came barging through the door.

"Hey guys! We bought beers! Let's party!" They cheered in unison.

"You guys sure seem excited." Commented Izuku, smiling at their Idea.

"Hey, Tomorrow might be our last, so why not enjoy ourselves while we still can?" Asked Sachi.

"Fair enough." Replied Izuku.

"Alright! Let's turn up the music and... wait, what WERE you guys doing?" Asked Irina.

"Oh, just deciding what we were gonna call you guys."

"We already thought of a cool team name, actually." Said Sachi.

"Oh really? Let's hear it!" Said Kurogiri, while cleaning beer mugs.

"Well, we decided that since we were attempting one of the most dangerous raids in villain history, that would make us pretty damn fearless, despite the fact that we were basically embarking on a suicide mission, so, we decided to call ourselves the Suicide Squad!" Answered Irina.

The room cheered, as they agreed with the name of their team.

"Wait..." Twice interrupted, "Doesn't DC already..."

"SUICIDE SQUAD!" Spinner cut off, placing his hand over Twice's mouth, shutting him up.

Izuku poured himself a mug of beer and raised it into the air.

"to the death of heroes!"

Everyone else followed up, clanking their mugs.


It was the big day. A massive swarm of people crowded the streets near the former, redesigned Olympics colosseum, as a massive line formed at the ticket booth. Many people were near the food stalls, buying snacks and refreshments for the event. Heroes stood in the middle of circulation, acting as security and fan magnets.

In the prep room, while everyone was stoked for the big event, Izuku was adjusting his earpiece, so that he may know when his operation goes haywire, which is also when he will bail from the competition. Just then, Todoroki walked up to him.

"Izuku was it? I've seen what you are capable of, and I must say, Objectively speaking, I am stronger than you." He said in a menacing tone.

"Oh, Okay then." Izuku replied, not paying attention to his threat.

"I don't care if you're the talk of the whole school." Todoroki continued, "I will beat you!"

Those fighting words seemed to have triggered Izuku.

"Well then..." Izuku said, standing, letting out an aura of animosity.

The other students caught a glimpse, causing them to panic.

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