My World

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As All For Might collapsed in a pool of his own blood, God stepped forward, each step sending a golden ripple throughout the ground, as the area around him was frozen, then turned to gold, then liquefied, then turned back to normal, showing his sheer power. The others gasped in shock, as the fusion of both the strongest hero and villain didn't even last a second against the transcendent being. Glassy, multicolored wings sprouted from God's back, flying him up and above the opposing army.

"I must admit, even though it was all of you who pushed me to my near death, I must thank each and everyone of you. Without your help, I would never have dreamed of achieving such power. And to think I started off below all of you." Said God in a echoing voice, "But now, it is time I put an end to this meaningless war, and finally bring order into this wretched world."

However, it seemed as though All For One had one of two regeneration quirks at his disposal, as All For Might slowly rose back up, despite still rocking noticeable injuries. Seeing this, Todoroki charged in as well, catching his class off guard as lightning coursed down his veins.

"God or not, we will get you back, Midoriya!" The student shouted, as he covered his left side in ice.

Meanwhile, All For Might's arm bulged and morphed, turning once more into the massive arm All For One used in Kamino. The two charged at him at once, One For All coursing through both of their veins.

One For All + Springlike limbs + Shock Amplification x 4 + Strength Enhancer x 3 + Hypertrophy + Rivets + Crystallization + Hardening x 4 + shockwave + spear-like bones...

One For All Full Cowling 1000 000%...

A small chuckle was heard from within God's head flame, as the two One For All users threw their all at the being.

50 Stars and 13 Stripes Smash!

A massive shockwave knocked everyone else in the battlefield out of their trance, as a massive burst of energy sent ripples all the way down to the earth's tectonic plates, causing a small earthquake that shook the entire ruined city. As the shaking settled, the heroes and villains picked themselves off the floor, as they tried to peek through the wall of dust.

However, both their, and the eyes of Todoroki and All For Might widened as they saw their opponent, holding back both their fists with one hand.

"Our strongest attack, thrown with all of our might..." Uttered All For Might.

"Was stopped with one hand?" Todoroki finished.

"Are you done?" Asked God, lifting his index, "Cause it was very rude of you to attack me mid-monologue."

The ground beneath the two emitted a blinding light. Suddenly, a barrage of beams shot out from below, shredding through the two as they cried in agony, before getting shot back.

"Todoroki! All Might!" Ochaco cried out, trying to catch both of them.

However, the beams that were shot out stopped midway in the sky, before changing directions, raining down on the rest. Seeing this, Kurogiri put up multiple portals, attempting to block the light beams that were raining down upon them. He stopped a few, but many got through, blasting the heroes and students alike.

"So Perhaps a few of you are still foolish enough to challenge me." Speculated God, "I guess I won't be sparring you after all."

"Uh guys?" Asked Mei, scanning the godly figure from within the safety of her mech, "What was All Might's power level again?"

"1000." Answered Kurogiri, "Maybe 2000 in his prime, why?"

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