Horror in Hosu

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The students were discussing with which pro hero they want to go with.

"I'm going with MT Lady!" Mineta announced to his classmates.

"Of course you would." Ojiro replied, fully expecting it.

Meanwhile, Aizawa passed along the personalized list of those who got drafted, leaving both Izuku and Todoroki with a stack of papers to read through. Skimming through the list, the young undercover villain saw several heroes that were on his target list in the past: Accel, Add-on, AA, Big Band, Beowolf, Beetle man, Caviar, the list went on.

"Hold the phone, All Might's agency drafted you!?" Some of the students called out as Izuku turned to Todoroki.

"Yeah, I know it's odd, especially since he's been teaching us here in Yuuei, but this is clearly his name, here on the list." The ice haired student pointed out.

Hearing this, Izuku lifted an eyebrow in suspicion.

"I recall All Might teaching here for unbeknownst reasons, but this he is now also accepting interns? how peculiar." the boy thought.

"So, which hero are you going for?" Asked Ochaco, appearing behind him, startling him.

The green haired teen jerked to his left, facing Ochaco.

"I dunno yet, there's just too many to choose from." Izuku replied.

"Well, I'm going for the Gun Head agency!" She replied.

"Gun Head? you mean that tough as nails scrapper? why him? I would have expected you to go for Thirteen or something." Izuku asked.

"Yeah, but, in the end, my fight with Bakugo got me thinking, getting stronger allows for more opportunities! And just doing things the same old way is kind of limiting, or something." She said cheerfully, while striking a pose.

"Ah yes, I see... I see..." Izuku mumbled as he was helplessly locked in another never ending conversation with her.

As the class ended, while every student flooded out of the classroom, All Might came dashing in front of the door right as Todoroki was heading out, in a peculiar pose as well.

"Hello there, young Todoroki." All Might said in his usual valiant tone.

"All Might? Why are you here?" Todoroki asked, "In such a peculiar pose, no less."

"It's about your dad." All Might said in a much more serious tone, making Todoroki shudder, "Meet me at my office, we have some matters to discuss."

At All Might's Office...

Todoroki entered his office, noticing All Might, sitting on a black leather sofa that barely fit him, gesturing him to sit on the couch right across him. Sitting down, All Might poured him a cup of green tea.

"Listen, young Todoroki, I've been meaning to ask you, concerning your father, Endeavor, how is he doing recently?" Asked All Might.

Todoroki looked surprised.

"What... what do you mean?" Asked the young student.

"Your dad's not doing well, Young Todoroki. His rank dropped into the three digits ever since he confessed to have abused both his wife and kids. He was hit with a two month suspension of his license and a 10 000 000 yen fine to his agency. I tried talking to him, asking if he was fine or not, but he refused to talk back." All Might explained, "I have no other choice but to ask you."

"He is doing everything he can to rebrand and clear his name, but besides that, he's doing fine." Todoroki answered, "He should be able to reclaim his spot in the top 10 soon enough."

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