Who We Really Are

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Class started as per the usual. It seemed that gym Gamma, where the students practice their ultimate moves is being used more and more often. According to Aizawa, the final semester is all about polish. With the basics of heroism learned, the remaining months will be spent, perfecting what they have learned thus far, before advancing to the second year. With the students coming back from internship, many were eager to show off new moves and tricks.

"Are you kidding me!? He showed up again!?" Mina exclaimed in shock, learning about Izuku's involvement in during the raid.

"Yeah, and more ferocious than ever!" Ochaco replied.

"We could have had him though, he was damaged by Mirio and even lost a quirk." Ranted Katsuki, slamming his fist against the wall.

Seeing this, Kirishima walked up to him, patting him on the back.

"We'll get him next time, but now, we need to get stronger. With the amount of criminal activity going down, we need to keep on getting stronger, until we can get powerful enough to bring him down ourselves." Kirishima said encouragingly, trying to boost his friend's morale, before hardening his entire body, "Now hit me with your best shot!"

Katsuki let out a smirk after hearing this.

"Fine." He grunted, before turning to Todoroki, who was training his One For All quirk with All Might.

"Half and Half can keep that damn quirk, I'll just get stronger my own way!"

Suddenly, a massive explosion happened, as the platform Cementoss made was destroyed with one heavy smash attack, sending debris raining down on the small group of students. Seeing the upcoming danger, Katsuki fired a barrage of explosions, blasting away the falling debris. The blasts weren't strong enough to pulverize the bigger chunks though, forcing the other students to defend accordingly. With the sky clear of falling rocks, Katsuki rocketed himself up to what was left of the platform, where All Might was barely holding on to the ledge and Todoroki on of ground.


"Sorry..." Todoroki muttered as a response to Katsuki's rage.

"We tried to utilize Young Todoroki's ice to act as braces, allowing him to use 100% without breaking his arm." Explained All Might, "But the amount of ice required made it too cumbersome for him to move his fist, disturbing his aim and causing him to hit the platform by accident."

"Well be more fucking careful next time." Katsuki grunted.

"Yeah! Tell me about it! You are a horrible teacher, All Might!" A third voice cut in.

Suddenly, gasps ran out below, as a familiar figure was seen, crawling up to the platform where the three were standing.

"Tomura? What are you doing here!?" Asked All Might, "Classes are in session!"

"I know." Shigaraki replied, sitting down, "And from the looks of it, looks like someone needs to be fired."

"My teaching is good enough!" All Might replied sternly, knowing who he was referring to.

"Then what's that in your back pocket?" Asked Tomura, walking up to him and snatching a "Teaching for Dummies" book, "Admit it, you have zero experience in being a teacher!"

Yagi sighed at Tomura's insight, as well as cursed lightly for letting that book slip out of his pocket. Suddenly, to his surprise, Tomura then turned to Todoroki, looking a the arm he used to perform that punch.

"With these arms, I say 60% is the maximum you can use without any lasting damage; 30% if you don't want any bruising or intense pain, I believe you can go up to 75% if you cover it with ice. Anything above 80 will break your wrist though, and I'm not certain if your forearm can take a full 100%, even with your ice armor."

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