Betrayal On Both Ends

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"You tried and tried and tried, but in the end, a small fry remains a small fry." Stain said, standing over Iida's paralyzed body, "Just like your poser of a brother."

The downed student tried to move, but couldn't even lift a finger due to Stain's quirk.

"Shut up you bastard!" Iida grunted angrily with clenched teeth, "My brother was a great hero, one who inspired my dreams! You have no rights to badmouth him! You murderer! You..."

Iida's rage was cut off by sudden laughter.

"Hehehe... I don't know what's funnier, the fact that you thought you could beat me, or the that your brother would be proud of you for killing me, should you succeed" Stain laughed, "Even if you managed to kill me, your brother won't magically heal, boy. You didn't think ahead, instead, your shallow mind thought that murder was the first and final solution."

Iida was silenced. He couldn't think of any replies, Stain was right, what was he thinking?

"That is why you fail as a hero." Stain said, raising his sword, "And also..."

Suddenly, Stain pulled out a throwing knife, and turned a full 180, throwing it at an upcoming motorcycle, hitting the front tires and sending the driver crashing over the two.

"Did you really think you could lose us by hiding in the alleyways, Shigaraki?" Stain finished, turning his attention to his initial target.

Iida, staring at this, looked awfully confused.

"Wait, Shigaraki, that villain from the USJ attack? why is he here? And why are you after him?" Asked Iida, in confusion.

"My mission is to capture this man, alive, and bring him to the boss, Mightless. You have nothing to do in our plans, so consider yourself lucky, and take my words to mind. I won't be so merciful the next time we meet." Stain said, walking towards Shigaraki, who was writhing in pain.

Iida, on the other hand, watched helplessly as Stain slowly walked towards his wounded prey, not even trying to make things quick, rather, just watching the poor man struggle to get back up from the fall he took.

"Damn it... Damn it all! I was so close! I was so close!" Shigaraki uttered as Stain inched ever so closer, with a devilish smile drawn on his face.

"You know, you always annoyed me you brat. You did nothing but complain and complain when you were under my care. I tried to be nice for once, and look where that got me." Stain, drawing his blade, "Should I have known you were such a spoiled brat, I would have just let you die."

Suddenly, movement returned to Iida's body. The quirk's effects wore off. However, while getting up, he was faced with a dilemma: Should he save Shigaraki? On one hand, he was a villain, one that had killed several people, a menace to society. Yet on the other hand, he couldn't just stand there and watch as someone is helplessly taken away. Just then, what Izuku said prior to the Sports Festival came back to him.

"Some villain have been pushed over the edge by society, they deserve better. I wish to give them a second chance, because in the end, we are all human, and have at some point cried, "Please, help me". So don't look down on villains, even they need saving."

With those words coming back to him, Iida was starting to understand what Izuku was talking about, and what choice he would have made should he be in this situation. His instincts took a full 180 as well. Words spoken by his brother came back to him as well, and pushed him to do the right thing.

"You should never turn your back on a man who needs help, no matter who they are!"

With that, Iida came charging in once more, and delivered a lightning fast kick to Stain's back, causing him to cough out blood. The Hero killer looked back at his attacker, eyes red with rage, and swung back at him, but missed as he ducked under the sword and ran past the killer, grabbing his downed victim and making a run for it.

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