Hisashi's Laboratory

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The massive metallic door crumbled to dust, as light flooded the abandoned facility, revealing a dark corridor which seems to lead deep into the laboratory.

"Alright guys, keep your eyes peeled, we never know what we can run into here." Izuku ordered, activating his glow quirk as the group entered.

"This is so cool! It feels like we're playing Resident Evil, but in real life! Oh I can't wait for a zombie or something to pop up!" Spinner commented, going in first.

The group traversed the vast maze of corridors. Suddenly, footsteps were heard on the other end of the room.

"Oh my god this is actually happening." Spinner reacted to the noise, as the footsteps got closer and closer.

"Guys, look!" Dabi pointed at the approaching figure.

Seeing this, Izuku shun his light towards the direction of the potential threat, revealing a metallic robot, similar looking to the ones he fought during the U.A entrance exam, only this one was wider, and had four arms instead of two. The bipedal walker looked at the group with it's singular red dotted eye, as if it was scanning them, until a voice came out of it's speakers.

Breach Detected. Objective Update: Contain The Escapee. Threat Level: High.

While the group tried to deduce what it meant, the machine charged at Izuku, raising it's arm and trying to smash him. The boy swiftly dodged, flipping behind the group, as his subordinates tried to stop it.

"Eat this you Gundam Reject!" Spinner yelled, slashing at it with his new Katana.

The blade bounced off the arm of the robot, leaving no apparent damage, as it slammed Spinner to the Side, pinning him against the wall and scanning him.

Subject Mutation Level: Low. Potential Threat Level: Low. Objective Update: Terminate the Obstacle.

A blade sprouted out of the machine's arm, attempting to Impale Spinner. Just then, the Machine stopped in it's tracks, as it was pulled towards Magne's Magnet, which allowed Dabi to douse it in flames.

"Are you okay, Spinner?" Asked Yeong, picking him up.

"Yeah, could have been better." Replied Spinner.

The flamer then turned back to Izuku.

"What was that thing?" Asked Dabi.

"No clue, but it seemed to be interested in me, for some reason." Replied Izuku.

"Yeah, when it scanned you, it said something about containing you, but then tried to kill Spinner, it almost seems as though that thing wants you alive." Deduced Irina.

"Uh, guys?" Asked Alpha, pointing towards the raging flames, as the Machine walked out, seemingly unharmed.

"How is that thing still standing!?" Asked Toga.

The machine then looked at the entire group, scanning them one after another, as it seemed to be calculating something.

Scan Complete. Total Enemy Count: 14. Potential Threat Level: Disastrous. Average Individual Threat Level: Moderate. Objective Update: Terminate the threat, retrieve the escapee. Proceeding To Deduce Enemy Stature 76%...

Before the machine got to finish, the Hounds charged at it, with Alpha and Tracker riddling it with bullets, followed by Rabid activating his quirk and punching it, sending it flying back.

The machine however, got back up like nothing happened, and continued it's calculations.

Deduction Complete: Subject Identified.

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