18. Back

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I woke up the next morning with my head on his chest. Last night was real, and I wasn't dreaming. Okay. I ached all over at the thought of leaving him but I had to for him. I reluctantly sat up and got out of bed to head to the bathroom.

"Good morning," I heard Billie call out with a whimper in his voice.

"Morning!" I shouted from inside the bathroom.

I quickly got dressed and started gathering all of my things together.

I went out of the bathroom and noticed him still laying in bed.

"I'm going to need to come home Thursday either way," he said point blank.

"I hope that it will be okay by then," I said, truthfully.

"Me too," he responded with a distant look in his eyes.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked.

"I think so," he glanced over at me and flashed a weak smile.

We walked out to the parking garage where he drove me to the train station. We sat in silence, but we were holding hands over the center console. He waited until I gave him a thumbs up and took off to go back to the hotel. I watched as he drove off and I ached to just be in that car with him.

I purchased my ticket and waited for about a half hour until the train finally got there. I walked up the steps, put my bag on the over-head shelf and took my seat.


Because the train was going back into the U.S., I had to have my passport on me. I filled out my customs card and waited for the people to go through my belongings. I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I hoped that it wouldn't raise any eyebrows.

I was wrong.

The second they scanned my passport, it notified some missing person's database, and I was taken to sit in a separate train car with border patrol people in it, asking me questions. I refused to say anything to anyone.

"Scarlet, you have to tell me what happened," an officer from the States asked me while still on the train.

"I said I'm not telling anyone anything right now. Please leave me alone."

I sat on the train for three more hours in silence. I was so nervous that they were just going to throw me in jail. This was not the kind of entrance I wanted to make. When the ride was finally over, they immediately took me to a Seattle police station. I was sitting in a room with one of those fucking two-way mirrors where you knew someone was watching you, but you didn't get to know who. At least I wasn't handcuffed or anything.

A police officer walked into the room.

Before he could say anything, I shouted, "I'm not saying anything without a lawyer."

"We called your parents, Scarlet. They're on their way," the officer said in his stupid voice that he had. "Now, tell me where you were."

"I said, I'm not saying shit," I growled. I knew how relentless cops were about every fucking thing. I felt like you had to be an extra sort of annoying person to be a cop. Maybe a jealous, suspicious, nark-type. 

"Listen, we really need your cooperation in this. This is a very serious issue."

"I'll give it to you tomorrow then. After I'm able to speak to a lawyer."

I noticed the cop looking at me weird. His face seemed less concentrated. 

I looked him in the eyes, batting my eyelashes a bit. I then bit my lip the tiniest bit and gave a little smirk as I pushed my boobs out a bit. "Can I do that?" I asked in a grossly seductive tone.

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