Chapter 4- The Reveal

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*Authors Note:

Above is what I picture Isabella to look like! Enjoy!

Roman POV (surprise!)

Isabella went in for her checkup last week, and because she is about 18 weeks, we finally could find out the gender. We wanted it to be a surprise, so Isabella had the doctor right it in an envelope and then she gave it to Luna. Today is the day of the reveal party and I couldn't be more excited. Isabella and I are finishing getting ready in our room, while the part is in full swing downstairs. The decorations earlier were perfect, Luna does such a great job at hosting things, it's part of what makes her such a good Queen. 

Isabella is finally showing a small tummy bump, and it's so attractive. I mean, we made a fucking human being. She's glowing at this point, as well. She's so beautiful, and I know she's going to be the best mother. I laugh, Luna keeps saying how much she misses her wine buddy. Isabella slips into a beautiful tight mid-thigh length red dress that shows over her amazing body, her legs and ass look amazing...she's just showing in the stomach. I zip her up in her dress, kiss her on the neck, and ask "are you ready?" 

She has tears in her eyes and gives me a kiss, before taking my hand and leading me out to the party.

Isabella is instantly pulled away from me as Luna gives her a huge hug. They have become such close friends and thank god they have, because of how close Dante and I are. 

"I must say Luna, you've outdone yourself," I laugh, as I look around the party. She's decorated the outside patio with blue and pink balloons, table clothes, and flowers. There's a huge box, with blue and pink wrapping paper and bows, I assume filled with balloons that represent the gender of the baby. All the important families are here, and everyone is dressed to the nines. Luna smiles at me, "anything for my sister and brother."

After Isabella gets pulled away to chat with some of the wives, Dante, Vito, and I stand in a circle with ice cold beers in our hands.

"So bro, are you ready for this?" Vito pats my back as he asks. 

"Of course he is, idiota." Dante smacks Vito in the back of the head with his hand.

"Well actually, there's something Isabella and I have really been wanting to ask you, Dante..." I nervously scratch the back of my head, not knowing what his reaction will be. He looks at me puzzled.

"Isabella and I were kind of hoping you and Luna would be our child's godparents..." I say, looking down, nervous. 

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME BROTHER?!?!?!" Dante exclaims, his voice catching everyone's attention. I laugh at the sudden silence of the party.

"What the heck is going on?!" Luna grabs Dante's arm hard, sharply scolding him. Well I guess now is as good time as any.

I clear my throat before speaking up to the crowd, "Dante, Isabella," I nod at both of them before continuing, "Isabella and I would be honored if you guys would be our child's godparents."

Luna squeals, excitedly, while hugging Isabella and I at the same time, "YES YES YES OH MY GOD!" 

Dante brings me in for a bro hug, patting me on the back, before giving Isabella a kiss on the top of the head, "of course man."

With the excitement of our announcement, I grab Isabella, dipping her down and fiercely start making out with her. 

As we come up, she's blushing from the crowds whoops and cat-calls. 

"Okay, if I could have everyone's attention!" Luna clinks her champagne glass, "It's time for the reveal, is everyone ready?!"

I grab Isabella, and we head to the box, thrilled to open it. 

Luna begins the countdown, "3....2....1...."

As soon as she says one, Isabella and I yank open the box, revealing a mass amount of blue balloons. 'A boy! Fuck yes!' I had told Isa that I'd be okay with either but I was hoping for a boy. I grab her passionately and once again in front of everyone, deeply make out with her. This time, she doesn't blush, we are lost in the moment. 

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