Chapter 15- Checking In

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*5 Months Later

Luna POV

It's a hot summer day in New York City as I turn the corner to Prohibition. I'm so excited to be back in the U.S. and to check in on all our businesses here, before traveling to Russia to check in on everything there. 

Looking at the dingy, creepy building on the outside, it always amazes me how beautiful and timeless the inside is. I love hearing from the bouncers what patrons in line have said when they first arrived there, for their first time. Most people buy memberships and are constantly coming on Friday nights for the roaring 20's themed night. I mean hell, I beg Dante that we attend when we are in the city.

"SIENNA!!!" I exclaim, running into her open arms. 

"OH MY GOD, IT'S SO GOOD TO SEE YOU!!!!!" She rocks me side to side, still holding me in a hug. 

I step out of the hug, but she holds me at arms length, looking me up and down. "Oh my god Luna, you look incredible!" She gushes, with a hint of unbelief. I mean, in the short amount of time I've recovered extremely well. I've put about 10 pounds of pure muscle back on, leaving my legs lean and toned, my ass is back to what it used to be, my abs are showing again, and the muscle definition in my arms is back. I've been in the sun a lot, so the tan helps as well. The color and brightness of my face has returned. 

"I'm not gonna lie Sienna, I'm pretty fucking proud of myself. Hence, the short jeans shorts and crop top." I smile. 

"So how are things going here? Any complaints or trouble?"

She bites her lip before answering, "well, I'm worried that the crowd that comes on Saturday nights isn't a good one. It's a bunch of rich upper east siders that are still pretty young, I'd say about 21, 22 years old. They have plenty money to spend, and they pay for their tabs, have proper I.D. and's just...they can get a little rowdy. And that's not good, you know, attention wise. It might bring the law sniffing around."

"Take me to the office," I demand as she grabs my hand and leads me to the beautiful main office, decorated modernly, completely opposite of the clubs decor. 

I sit down in the chair and start working on computer, directing her to grab the paper files. We've got a lot of work to do to cover our asses in case the young crowd brings too much attention here. 

3 hours later and we've collected everything that could get us in trouble. I pick up the phone, "Dino, can you and Luca come grab these files, and take them to the car?" Within the minute, they come do as they're told. I look back through our security footage and destroy the tape from today, that shows us in the office, or them leaving with all those files. 

As I walk back into the club out of the office, I turn to Sienna, "I've got an idea, hold on."

I pull out my iPhone and call Dante, asking him to meet us here. 

When he arrives, I pull him and Sienna into the entrance of the club, "Sienna had said there's a young rowdy crowd coming in that could effect our  "business" guests." I air quote business as to hint to the mafia cliente that enjoy coming here. "So what if, we add a secret entrance, for our important patrons, right here. We could have a vaulted door, so it looks as if we are just adding it in to add to the 1920s ambiance. Inside the club, we could inclose it, and only allow designated guests in. They could contact Sienna for a password, allowing them access into that side of things."

I let them imagine my idea, giving them a moment before I continue on.

"Thru the main entrance, we could keep the normal crowd separate, allowing them to be as loud and crazy as they want. We could soundproof the private section, keeping noise out, and from being heard."

Dante's impressed smirk crosses his face, his right eyebrow raises, "Mi piace (A/N: I like it), my love. Your sneakiness never fails to amaze me Mrs. Constantino."

Sienna claps her hands and squeals at the idea. 

"I'll have some of my architects, and construction team come in on Monday to talk to you Sienna," Dante informs her. 

Dante excuses himself to get back to work, leaving Sienna and I alone. "Celebratory drink?" I offer. She just smiles in return. 

We head back into the club, and by now some of the bartenders are present, getting things ready for the night. We sit down at the bar, ordering a bottle of champagne. 

A couple glasses later, Sienna and I are having the classic drunk girl heart-to-heart. 

"I fucking love Dante so much, Sienna, like soooo much. I don't know what'd I'd do without him." 

"Luna, he fucking adores you. Like you have no idea how he looks at you. Are you guys thinking about having kids?"

I shake my head, "well I went to the obgyn and had an ultrasound done to see if everything was healthy or if it had been damaged...." I pause for the dramatic effect, "but the doc said everything looked in great shape, so I still can get pregnant!!!" 

Sienna squeals at the good news, "I'm SO happy for you!"

"Dante and I still want to have some time to ourselves, just as husband and wife, before we have a family. After the doctors appointment, we talked about waiting a little longer to get me off of birth control."

Sienna nods her head, supporting our decision, "Don't let anyone rush you into it...take your time, and enjoy the married life. You have your whole lives to have a crazy family."

I grab her hands as a thank you, "sooo....any chance you'd want to come over tomorrow and see Vito?" I giggle like a little girl. Yeah, I'm STILL trying to hook them up.

"Well, actually, I've met someone here. His name is Aiden and we met a couple days ago. I was looking at my phone and walked straight into him, spilling his coffee everywhere. We flirted a little before we went to buy him a new coffee." Sienna blushes at the story.

"Welllllllllllll, I mean you can always see him and Vito until it comes time to pick which one to get serious with...." Yeah, I'm trying real hard to get them together. 

"Maybeeeeee.....anyways time I go to work, and you go home to your hot ass husband missy." 

We exchange our goodbyes and my guards drive me home. 

*Author's Note:

I know this was an uneventful chapter, but I have my reasons! It takes some boring things to connect the storylines! Plus, I thought it'd be a little fun to have some girl friend time between the two of them. I think I'm going to do a spin-off of this series for Sienna. If you remember from my last book, she's been through a lot and Dante rescued her from a terrible life. So it may be interesting to see how all of that happened. Let me know what you think! Vote, Like, Share, and thanks for reading! 

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