Chapter 28 - Second Trimester and The Good News

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*A Month and a Half Later

Luna POV

"Finally baby, I'm finally in my second trimester." I breath out my relief to Dante as I am doing my makeup while he finishes his shower. 

"I've read they call it the 'honeymoon phase' of pregnancy," Dante seductively states, wrapping himself in a towel. 

He wraps his arms around me, making me moan. My hormones are all out of whack, and the slightest thing he does turns me on. Even though, it pretty much did before I was pregnant too. 

He kisses my neck, and I feel his hard on through the towel. "Ugh babe if you don't stop now, I'm going to jump your bones and keep you my sex slave for the entire day," I moan out. 

I can feel Dante's laugh in my neck. 

"As much as I love that thought, my love, I have a busy day ahead of me. Rain check?" 

I pout my lip, pretending to have had my feelings hurt, earning another laugh from Dante.

"I'm sorry, my love, you know I'd love that more than anything."

I need to change the subject before I actually pounce onto him.

"So have we heard anything on Aiden, lately?" 

Dante shakes his head in frustration. "No, it's like he's disappeared."

"I could call Sienna, act like I'm telling her the big news of my pregnancy, and ask if she's still seeing him.." I offer. 

"Not a bad idea, I knew I kept you around for a reason." Dante jokes, before realizing my pregnancy hormones make me extremely sensitive. "I'm just kidding, mia regina!"

I giggle. I love making him nervously await my mood swings. 

"I know, give me a kiss," I give him a passionate kiss, before finishing up my makeup and heading to my closet. 

I frown staring at my clothes, I've put off buying maternity clothes as long as I could. A month ago, I had to get some bigger bras, and some looser pants, but I haven't put on too much weight. Dr. Collins assures me that the baby is healthy and everything is developing right. She informed me that because of my healthy diet, I haven't put on more weight than I've needed to. But at this point in my pregnancy, I think I need to shop for maternity clothes, my bump is starting to really show now, and loose pants aren't cutting it anymore. I throw on some black leggings, and an over-sized black sweater, with ankle booties and decide I'm going to the mall today. 

Quickly, I make Dante and the men some breakfast. Dante walks into the kitchen as I start crying, he rushes over and holds me.

"What's wrong my love?!" 

"I was staring at the coffee pot, and I miss caffeine," I sob into his chest. He's holding in laughter, but still comforting me.

Vito laughs out loud, and I hear Leila slap his chest, before I shoot him an evil look. 

"Are you fucking laughing at me?" I sound cold as ice, almost daring him to say yes. 

Vito's eyes quickly fill with fear and his smile goes away. "Nope not at all. Nothing's funny."

"That's what I thought," I turn around back to Dante.

"I'm going to go maternity clothes shopping with Leila and Isabella today, LOVE YOU!" My evil mood, quickly turns into a sweet one. 

Just at that moment, Isabella comes walking in, "did someone say maternity clothes shopping?" 

Isabella had announced she was pregnant two weeks after I had, so we've been doing every pregnancy- related activity together. Poor Leila has had to tag along and deal with our mood swings. 

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